health tips now memory loss disease alzheimer will be treated scientists are so close to finding the solution

health tips now memory loss disease alzheimer will be treated scientists are so close to finding the solution

Memory Loss Treatment: We all have the habit of forgetting something or the other, but some people start forgetting the names, faces of their family members or even friends. Not only this, he does not even remember everyday things. It becomes difficult to remember even the way to and from home, such people may suffer from amnesia like Alzheimer’s. in this disease Brain cells die and brain size starts decreasing. This disease is increasing rapidly all over the world. However, now scientists have come very close to solving it. With…

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health tips what is alzheimer indian scientists discovered cure for this disease

health tips what is alzheimer indian scientists discovered cure for this disease

Alzheimer Disease: Alzheimer’s is considered a disease of the elderly. But around 39 lakh people in the age group of 30-64 years in the world are affected by this disease. Meaning, this disease can happen even to youth of 30 years. According to a new study, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s are different in youth. In this, they are unable to concentrate on anything or their body language may deteriorate. Because of this their mental and physical abilities become weak. Elderly people face many problems due to this. However, now Indian…

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