amazing discovery

Research has revealed a strange thing, the workers who built the pyramids of Giza were given a special kind of poison

Pyramids are the most mysterious things in the history of the world. Although many revelations…

The girl was walking with her mother on the beach, when she saw some big marks, experts said, these are dinosaur’s feet!

Dinosaur remains are not found everywhere in the world. But where they are found, they…

2500 year old helmet found in grave excavation, scientists were shocked to see, know where is the matter?

Countless secrets related to human civilization are hidden in the earth, whenever they come out,…

Used a mixture of water and salt, made a revolutionary invention, created artificial brain cells

Scientists have achieved a major achievement in the direction of artificial organs. He has achieved…

AI techniques did wonders, scientists came to know at which place Plato was buried, hopes were raised!

Suppose, you come across any information about Nalanda in Bihar, or any historical area in…

A person was digging to repair the house, suddenly the soil started falling, after looking carefully he was stunned!

The digging done for repairs in the house sometimes surprises. When a couple bought an…

Do you know? The colors on the faces of chickens change according to their emotions, you can also read them.

Have you ever noticed that along with the expressions of chickens, there are some changes…

Big claim regarding Uranus and Neptune, were thought to be icy for 4 decades, new study said, there is something else

In 1980, the Voyager spacecraft made a big revelation about the two important planets of…

The new discovery of Mars created a sensation, a volcano bigger than Everest is hidden, it will help in discovering water.

In a unique discovery, scientists have discovered a very huge and unusually shaped volcano on…