Do you know the full form of IMD which tells where the sun will shine and where it will rain?

Do you know the full form of IMD which tells where the sun will shine and where it will rain?

We speak many such words in our daily life, which are on our tongue but we do not know their true meaning. We listen to them and keep on saying them. If we are asked for complete information about them, then we do not know. This is information related to general knowledge but does not come to our mind easily. If someone asks us how much heat, cold or rain will be this time, then we take the name of only one organization – IMD. IMD does the work of…

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What is the sticky gel applied before ultrasound? Why is it applied and what is its effect, know…

What is the sticky gel applied before ultrasound?  Why is it applied and what is its effect, know…

Whenever there is severe pain in any part of the stomach or the doctor has to know the reason behind it, then he has to resort to ultrasound or sonography. Ultrasound is a device that shows live images of the internal parts of our body. For this, sonar and radio technology is used. Often you must have seen that doctors apply gel on the stomach before doing ultrasound. Such questions must be arising in the minds of many people that what is this and why is it needed? Can ultrasound…

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What is the longest walkable road on earth? Where it takes 6 months to go, no one has gone this way till date

What is the longest walkable road on earth?  Where it takes 6 months to go, no one has gone this way till date

Many people wish to go on a walk. Go on long hikes. Some people like to trek in the Himalayas while others like to go to the sacred valley of the Inca Trail. But if you aspire to go on an even more exciting journey, then today we are taking you on a journey along the longest walkable road on earth. It is also called the longest journey in the world, because it starts from El Agulhas in South Africa and takes it to the far north-east of Russia. The…

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Why are there more people in the world who write with the right hand know what is different in lefty people

Why are there more people in the world who write with the right hand know what is different in lefty people

Left Hand Right Hand Writing Reason: A human being has two hands, one right and one left. Which is called right and left in English. But right has another meaning which is called right. I don’t know whether it is due to being right or due to some other reason, there are more right handers in the world than left handers. 9 out of 10 people write with their right hand. The research done on this matter also proves that almost 90 percent of the world’s population is right handed.…

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Why do airplanes like to fly over the ocean? Why don’t you go near Himalayas, know interesting facts

Why do airplanes like to fly over the ocean?  Why don’t you go near Himalayas, know interesting facts

People travel by plane, but there are many things about which they are not known. These are very interesting facts and everyone should know about them. Like do you know why airplanes like to fly over the ocean? Why not fly over the Himalayan Mountains or the Pacific Ocean? An aviation expert has answered this on the social media platform Quora. Which is very interesting. Whenever there is a long flight, the flight path is changed and it is taken over the sea. This is done for your safety and…

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Why are the buttons on different sides of men’s and women’s shirts? Very few people know the reason. You will be surprised to know.

Why are the buttons on different sides of men’s and women’s shirts? Very few people know the reason. You will be surprised to know.

Many times, many things happen in our life for which there is no reason for happening, but still the story behind their happening is very strange. Many times these reasons disappear, but the tradition persists. The best example of this is the design of jeans pants, many of which are being followed as a tradition. Something similar happens with the buttons of men’s and women’s shirts. Very few people are able to notice that the buttons of men’s and women’s shirts are on different sides and if you come to…

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The planet with 2 suns twice a time sunset and sunrise happens Kepler 16B Planet

The planet with 2 suns twice a time sunset and sunrise happens Kepler 16B Planet

Amazing Fact: Space is hiding thousands of secrets within itself. Where thousands of stars, moon, sun, meteorites and many other planets are present. If we look into space from Earth, we see a sun. All the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. But do you know that NASA has discovered a planet which has not one but 2 suns. This planet has been confirmed in recent times, you will be surprised to know this. What did NASA tell?According to NASA, this planet is at a distance of…

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Who holds the record of serving as Chief Minister for the shortest period?

Who holds the record of serving as Chief Minister for the shortest period?

The post of Chief Minister is the most important in any state and the tenure of the post of Chief Minister is usually 5 years. However, due to political turmoil, many times a politician has to leave this post before the completion of his tenure. In such a situation, do you know who is the Chief Minister whose tenure has been the shortest? If not then let us know. The tenure of this Chief Minister has been the shortestThe title of sitting on the Chief Minister’s chair for the shortest…

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The government will give you money if you settle down in these places, some countries are as beautiful as heaven

The government will give you money if you settle down in these places, some countries are as beautiful as heaven

A person’s home in the world is his own home and a comfortable life, but what happens when you want to settle in a country and on the contrary, you are given money by the government itself.  Shocked, right? But do you know that there are some countries where the government gives you money to settle your house. So let us know about such countries today. You will get money for settling a house in these countriesIn fact, some countries in the world, for the purpose of development and some…

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That place on Earth, which is closest to space, no human has been able to reach here till date!

That place on Earth, which is closest to space, no human has been able to reach here till date!

You too must be thinking many times that you should go away from the hustle and bustle of life to a place where there is peace. Where no one knows you far and wide and there is only peace and tranquility. However, wherever you go, there is always a colony of people. Today we will tell you about one such place. Where no one really lives or rather no one has arrived. We all have an idea of ​​the distance from Earth to space and how much time it takes…

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