Divorced from her husband, the woman demanded money back from the wedding photographer, said- ‘Now there is no need for pictures!’

People appoint expensive photographers to take photographs at weddings and get their photographs taken by paying them a hefty amount. Perhaps people never even see those pictures again, yet they spend lakhs of rupees in photography. In such a situation, if there is a divorce between husband and wife, then is it the responsibility of the photographer to take back the photos taken at the wedding and return the money? Not at all, but a woman probably did not know this because she demanded refund from the photographer (Woman asked…

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A huge stone moving towards the earth at a speed of 25 thousand km per hour! Will this day in May bring trouble? warning issued

There are many such aspects related to space, which may be untouched by humans, but sometimes through them, there is a crisis on humans too. Scientists also keep revealing strange things related to space. Sometimes alien, sometimes something else. Now knowing about what the scientists told, you will definitely feel, scientists have also warned about it, however, they also say that there is no need to be afraid of it. Scientists have told that a huge stone (Asteroid approach Earth) is moving towards the earth and it will pass through…

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Due to the wide forehead, the joke kept flying for years, the girl took a big step after getting fed up, millions of rupees were spent!

If the height of a person is small, the color is dark, there is a problem in the face, then the person takes care of himself, but if the hair is not good, it is short or there is any other problem related to the hair of the head, then the whole confidence of the people starts to waver. . The same happened with a girl as well. The forehead of a girl living in Britain was so wide that she looked half bald (Woman hair transplant video). People used…

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Cobra in Car: ‘Giant’ snake came out of the car, the person left sweating to catch it! IFS officer shared VIDEO

A snake is such a creature that even if it is seen in the dream of a human being, he wakes up due to fear. If this creature is seen in a zoo’s closed cage or in a viral video, then man gets scared, then think what will be the condition of the world’s most dangerous snake in front of someone! The same is being seen in a viral video in which the world’s most dangerous snake hides under a car. He looks big and dangerous like a monster in…

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World’s biggest solution! The weight was 30 thousand kg, remained helpful to the farmers for years, now imprisoned in the boundary wall

You must have seen a solution made of stars in the sky. This group of stars is called Saptarishi Mandal. Here we are not going to tell you about the huge solution seen in the sky, but about the huge solution present on the earth. This was the world’s largest plow which existed years ago. Its weight was up to 30 thousand kg, but now this unique thing has been imprisoned in the boundary wall of the museum. According to the report of Audity Central News website, this plow is…

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Iron Age Mother! Gave betel nut to kill his own daughter, but trouble arose for himself

You must have heard this statement, “Put, kaput sune hain par na mata suni kumata!” No matter how evil or clever the child may be, a mother can never play tricks with her child, nor can she harm him. But perhaps this statement has been proved wrong in Kaliyuga. These days, a Russian woman (Mother orders murder of daughter) has been revealed who gave contract to kill her own daughter. But then things got worse for him. When you hear about this news, you will remember another saying, “You reap…

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The big secret of Monalisa’s painting was revealed, the bridge seen behind was revealed! Historians found the place

Since childhood, you must have seen this picture sometime or the other somewhere. Sometimes in a mall and sometimes on social media. A lot of jokes are also made on this picture and so many copies of it have been made all over the world that perhaps forgetting the real one, people would have remembered only the fake one. But do you know whose painting it is? This painting is called the painting of Monalisa painting bridge. The painting is very old and historians have found out many secrets related…

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Unique city of the world, where there is a dentist in every street! People from other countries also come here to get surgery done

Molar City: A person may need doctors at any time. Sometimes someone falls ill in the family, problems related to the body also persist. In such a situation, if there is a doctor near the house, then many things become easy. There is one such city (Dentist city of the world) in the country of Mexico where there are hundreds of dentists. You will not have to go out in search of doctors, because you will find them in every street. According to the report of the Audity Central News…

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Why do we put ‘T’ in front of a T-shirt? Even people who have been wearing it since childhood would not know the answer! Now know the reason

There are many such things used on a daily basis, which we use, but we do not have the basic information related to them. Many such items will be locked in your homes, in your cupboard, or you may even be wearing them, but you may not know everything about them. We are referring to T-shirts. T-shirts are comfortable to wear, easy to put on or take off, and can be folded any number of ways, but they don’t crease as quickly as a shirt. You must be aware of…

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200 kg pasta found lying in the woods! Seeing this, the woman shared the photos, erected the cot of the Municipal Corporation!

The human population is increasing so much that the food resources with humans are decreasing. When the food starts getting less then starvation increases. In today’s time, the poor are not getting enough food, while many people do not desist from wasting food. Recently, such destruction was seen in a city in America. Here, a woman’s eyes fell on a pile of pasta lying in the forest, and by sharing pictures (200 kg pasta dumped in USA) on social media, she set up a cot for the municipal corporation of…

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