amazing news

Rats started driving cars! Scientists did such a feat, no one could believe it after seeing it, how was this possible?

You must be seeing humans driving cars every day. You must have seen monkeys driving…

The minister is afraid of bananas, wherever she goes she removes this fruit from her face, she seems to tremble!

Every person in this world is afraid of something or the other. Some are afraid…

Which airport is the largest in the world? Mumbai city is also small in front of it, do you know the name?

There are many airports in the world which are so big that if you go…

Here people are putting sheets on cars and parking them by tying them to electric poles. After all, what is the reason?

You must have seen gifts packed in plastic wrap. Many other items also come packed…

The bride and groom reached the wedding reception, were stunned as soon as they entered the hall! Only empty chairs were seen inside

The bride and groom are very excited on their wedding day. Family and friends increase…

62 year old woman started living in the forest, built a wooden hut, the house looks like a palace from inside!

Man keeps wandering throughout his life in search of peace, but many times he finds…