The only country in the world which shares international borders with not 5 or 6 but 14 countries

The only country in the world which shares international borders with not 5 or 6 but 14 countries

India shares its border with 7 countries. Every country shares its border with some other country, but do you know of a country whose border is not with 5 or 6 or 9 or 10 but with 14 countries? This country is also a neighbouring country of India. This country shares its borders with 14 countries Actually we are talking about India’s neighboring country China. China is the only country in the world whose international border is connected to most countries in the world. This country shares its border with…

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An island where the runway disappears every day, yet flights land on time every day!

An island where the runway disappears every day, yet flights land on time every day!

The world is very big and every corner here has its own specialty. Some places have excellent tourism facilities while some people want to reach there just for adventure. Somewhere there are beautiful beaches and somewhere there are sky touching mountains. It is a different matter that to reach anywhere, it is necessary to have a safe way to reach there. However, due to natural conditions, there are still many places where people cannot reach easily. There is also an island near Scotland, where there is a very strange airport.…

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This pit is a mine of mysteries, it swallows even a flying helicopter, no trace of it is found, it used to spit out rare diamonds!

This pit is a mine of mysteries, it swallows even a flying helicopter, no trace of it is found, it used to spit out rare diamonds!

The world is very big and there are such things in every corner of it, which are enough to fill us with surprise. Somewhere some geographically amazing thing is seen and somewhere naturally some such thing is seen that people who know about it are surprised. Today we will tell you about such a place, which is actually a huge pit, but if something is seen up to a height of 1000 feet of this pit, then it gets absorbed in the pit. According to the report of Daily Star,…

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That island… where cars do not run, people travel on horse carts and bicycles, know why it is unique!

That island… where cars do not run, people travel on horse carts and bicycles, know why it is unique!

Mackinac Island, US: There is Mackinac Island in Michigan, America, where motor vehicles have been banned for almost 125 years. You will not find cars even if you search the entire island. People here travel by horse carts and bicycles. This is their main means of transportation. The island has got a big benefit from the ban on motor vehicles in that the air quality there is quite good. Now a video related to this island is going viral. Let us know what else is unique about this island. This…

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