How many times can you subtract 8 from 80? It’s a simple question, but no one is able to give the correct answer

How many times can you subtract 8 from 80? It’s a simple question, but no one is able to give the correct answer

There are some questions which you cannot answer in one go. Such questions and puzzles are great for time pass because people remain engrossed for hours. One such interesting question is going viral on social media at this time. We all like to answer any question quickly. Whatever we are asked, we want to answer it quickly but sometimes it is not easy. This is one such question, which made people scratch their heads while answering it. How many times can 8 be decreased from 80?A video is going viral…

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When airplanes take off, why is there a lot of vibration inside them? There is not just one reason but many

When airplanes take off, why is there a lot of vibration inside them?  There is not just one reason but many

Have you noticed the plane shaking during takeoff, at the beginning of the flight? The inside of the plane seems to be shaking a lot. There is so much vibration inside it that sometimes it seems as if an earthquake has occurred. But have you ever wondered why planes shake or tremble like this? It even seems as if every part of the plane is falling apart. Experts say that vibration during takeoff and initial climb is very natural and can be caused by many reasons. There can be many…

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