amazing research

It was not a comet but an asteroid that killed the Earth’s dinosaurs. Scientists also told where it came from!

66 million years ago, a very large object collided with the Earth. The events that…

Newborns recognize people’s faces in different ways, take help from their mother’s smell, research reveals!

It is true that newborn babies take time to understand their surroundings. But in everyday…

Mystery revealed, how did the heavy rocks reach the pyramids of Egypt? Revealed through radar pictures!

The Egyptian pyramids are more of a mystery than a wonder. For hundreds of years,…

T-Rex dinosaurs were no more intelligent than monkeys, today’s crocodiles were as smart as lizards – new research

If you have seen the movie Jurassic Park, then it has been told how clever…

Amazing Research: Grandparents’ diet affected you, your diet will affect your grandchildren

Our genes have an impact across generations. How these genes change their expression across generations…

AI techniques did wonders, scientists came to know at which place Plato was buried, hopes were raised!

Suppose, you come across any information about Nalanda in Bihar, or any historical area in…

From dinosaurs to us humans, eating habits have given shape to the skull, interesting revelation in research

For more than a century and a half, scientists have been intrigued by a unique…

Research was being done on smell sensor, such shocking results were found, secrets about blood pressure were revealed.

Sometimes some research brings out very strange treatments. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have done…