Chimpanzees treat themselves quickly, whether they are injured or have a serious illness; shocking revelation by scientists!

According to scientists, wild chimpanzees eat plants with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves. They demonstrated their “exploratory abilities” in the forests of Uganda. They observed injured or sick-looking animals to find out whether they were treating themselves with plants or not. The results of the study are being seen as a very important and major discovery. When an injured animal searched for something special to eat in the forest, the researchers collected samples of that plant and analyzed it. Most of the plants tested were found to have…

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This thumb is amazing, by using it, you can do the work of two hands with one hand, its ability is astonishing!

What if something is added to one of your hands which allows you to do the work of two hands with just one hand. Yes, a new research has made this possible. Scientists at Cambridge University have created a robotic artificial limb which the person wearing it can do such tasks which usually require two hands. It is being called the third thumb, this extra thumb is attached to the edge of the right hand. It allows the user to open cold drink bottles, peel bananas and thread a needle…

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Was there one person who was the ancestor of all people with blue eyes? Unique research gave the answer and made a big claim!

Can the color of the eyes be related to the lineage? Do people with the same color of eyes have the same ancestors? Till now this question was rejected outright. But in a new study, scientists have found something else which can surprise you. Based on the new results, they claim that the ancestor of every person in the world with blue eyes can be one person. Research led by Professor Hans Eberg of the Cellular and Molecular Biology Department of the University of Copenhagen identified a gene mutation that…

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Gun used to accompany Russian astronauts, do you know why? The real reason is shocking

Is there any point in taking a gun into space? Can a gun be useful in a place where there is no gravity or air? There was a time when such questions were being asked. Because the news had come out that Russian astronauts used to have guns. This thing was spread in the world as a sensational mystery and people wanted to know how much truth is there in it? The truth is that the purpose of this type of gun was not to deal with any alien or…

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A man was walking with a dog, a strange thing hit his leg, after finding out he kept the truth hidden from the world for 2 years

Sometimes some searches turn out to be strange. The same thing happened when a French man was walking with his dog and suddenly he saw a very shocking thing. But this person hid this discovery for two years and also gave a very good reason behind it. This interesting discovery was of a fossil millions of years old. Surprisingly, this fossil is of a very old dinosaur which has now been safely taken out. In 2022, Demian Buscato actually came across a 70-million-year-old dinosaur fossil, which was the complete skeleton…

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So what is wrong with these rules taught in school? Unique results found in research said, this does not always happen

It is said that the rules and principles of science always remain the same and are set in stone. But recently a study by Oxford University has worked to refute such a rule, according to which it has challenged the simple rule of physics taught in school. Coulomb’s Law explains the basic laws of electricity. Children who study before 10th class. But this study says that the statement of Coulomb’s law that similar charges move away from each other is not always correct. Scientists are quite surprised to see this…

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Strange movements are happening under the earth of this country, the land has become separated from the whole world, special types of earthquakes occur.

A new study has found that space is a unique country in the world where very rare and deep earthquakes are more likely to occur. Scientists have also found out the reason for this, due to which Spain becomes a completely different land from the whole world. This is a very different type of tectonic plate beneath the Earth’s surface. Due to which Spain and its surrounding terrain has become very different. Due to the unique movements happening under the ground, different types of earthquakes are occurring here. According to…

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15 crore year old species of tree, scientists had assumed it to be extinct, now preparations are being made to save it secretly

There have been many incidents of trees being removed from one place and planted at another place. But this time scientists have made a unique effort. He has tried to revive a tree whose species is believed to be 145 million years old and was considered extinct in 1994 itself. Now scientists have decided to do the unique work of reviving this “living fossil”, but where they will revive the plant named Wollemi Pines is still a secret. This ancient conifer was discovered by hikers in Australia’s Blue Mountains in…

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See the human heart beating, people were surprised after watching the video, said – ‘What thing has God created?’

You must have seen different types of videos on social media. Not every video attracts your attention but some things are definitely seen which surprise us. It is not necessary that we always like dance or wildlife videos, sometimes things related to science also leave a person completely astonished. We have learned that the work of pumping blood in our body is done by the heart. Let us watch its video, which shows each and every detail in such a realistic manner that you will be amazed. The video is…

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