The train entered the building with a rumbling sound, thousands of people standing below kept watching, your eyes will be wide open seeing the sight!

The train entered the building with a rumbling sound, thousands of people standing below kept watching, your eyes will be wide open seeing the sight!

There are many such great examples of engineering around the world, which are hard to believe. It seems as if people from another planet built them. Apart from the pyramids of Egypt to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, in the modern era, engineers have built an upside down building somewhere, and somewhere there is a luxury hotel hundreds of feet below the sea. China is at the forefront in this matter. There, the biggest buildings are constructed within a few hours. But today we are going to tell you about…

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Imagination becomes reality, computer made from human brain, world’s energy problem can be solved!

Imagination becomes reality, computer made from human brain, world’s energy problem can be solved!

Many scientific discoveries seem beyond imagination. In one such discovery, scientists have claimed to have made the world’s first living computer from human brain tissue. Its most special feature is that it exchanges information just like a computer chip, but uses 1 million times less energy for that. Researchers claim that if computing starts being used in this way in the world, then our energy crisis will be solved. Companies and universities around the world have started investigating this technology. It is made up of 16 organoids like brain cells…

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