Karan Johar On Animals: It has been a month since the release of Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s directorial and Ranbir Kapoor starrer film ‘Animal’ and this film is still strong at the box office and is collecting crores. Meanwhile, ‘Animal’ has also broken many box office records. Cineverse has praised the acting of the film’s star cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Trupti Dimri. During an interview, filmmaker Karan Johar also described the action-thriller ‘Animal’ as the best film of this year. Karan Johar called ‘Animal’ the best film of the…
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Animal Box Office Collection Day 32 Ranbir Kapoor Film India Net Collection Amid Salaar Dunki Release
Animal Box Office Collection Day 32: Ranbir Kapoor starrer film ‘Animal’ was released in theaters on December 1 last year. It has been more than a month since the film was released and the film is still earning crores. It was being said that after the release of films like ‘Salaar’ and ‘Dinky’, ‘Animal’ would be wiped out from the box office but it did not happen and the film is still crossing the crore mark every day in terms of earnings. . According to the report of Saknilk, while…
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