British Antarctic survey prepared a detailed map of Antarctica

British Antarctic survey prepared a detailed map of Antarctica

Last updated:March 22, 2025, 05:05 IST Scientists showed a glimpse of the new map of Antarctica ‘Bedmap3’ hiding under snow in the British Antarctic survey. If the ice of the earth’s icy desert Antarctica melts, then it gives mountains, rivers and deep pits …Read more This map has been released by the British Antarctic Survey. Antarctica, which today is a cold and deserted continent covered with snow, was once green and full of life. It is difficult to believe, but the secret of that ancient terrain is hidden under a…

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will Antarctica glaciers disappear in 200 years shocking revelation science facts

will Antarctica glaciers disappear in 200 years shocking revelation science facts

There are some things which protect humans from the heat of the sun. One of them is the glacier of Antarctica, It is considered very important for the earth, But recently there has been a shocking revelation in scientific studies., Let us tell you about a huge glacier in Antarctica., whom ,Doomsday Glacier, known as, next 200 From 900 will completely melt in a year, This glacier is also known as Thwaites Glacier and its size is equal to the state of Florida., What Is his Reason, The biggest reason…

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A23a the world’s largest iceberg is moving from Antarctica to the other side

A23a the world’s largest iceberg is moving from Antarctica to the other side

You must have seen photos of huge icebergs on social media many times. These icebergs have been floating in the vast oceans for decades. But do you know where the world’s largest iceberg is and what is its name? Today we will tell you where the world’s largest iceberg came from and where is it heading. ice floe First of all, let us know what an iceberg is. Let us tell you that an iceberg is actually a piece of ice that has broken off from glaciers or shelf ice…

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Antarctica Blood falls flows scientist

Antarctica Blood falls flows scientist

Blood Falls in Antarctica: A red waterfall flows on the Antarctica continent at the southern end of the Earth, When someone hears about this waterfall or sees it, he is astonished., The water flowing from the ice in Antarctica is red in colour, that looks like blood, This is the area of ​​Antarctica where sunlight does not fall for months, Let’s know about the mystery of this bloody waterfall today, A bloody waterfall flows here where in Antarctica the temperature -98 When one reaches there, the flowing red waterfall astonishes…

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Know about that country where there are neither mosquitoes nor snakes! The environment here is like this

Know about that country where there are neither mosquitoes nor snakes! The environment here is like this

Many countries of the world are troubled by diseases caused by mosquitoes and deaths caused by snake bites. Mosquitoes cause deaths every year where about 7,00,000 deaths occur, On the other hand, snake bite causes approximately 50 60 thousand people lose their lives every year. In such a situation, do you know about a country where you will not find a single mosquito or snake or any insect? Today we are going to tell you about one such country. There is neither a single mosquito nor a single snake in…

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The last corner of the earth where the day lasts for 6 months and the night lasts for 6 months

The last corner of the earth where the day lasts for 6 months and the night lasts for 6 months

Many areas of our country are in the grip of heat these days, Due to which the condition of people is miserable, Have you ever wondered which place would be located in the last corner of the world? And what will the weather be like there? Actually this place is also called the world’s most dangerous tourist destination. Where everyone cannot go. This place is in the last corner of the world Actually we are talking about Antarctica, the coldest place in the world. This is the coldest island out…

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Africa is splitting into two parts why this could be due to the rift in the middle of the continent

Africa is splitting into two parts why this could be due to the rift in the middle of the continent

Africa in Crisis: natural phenomena keep happening, Many times these incidents disrupt human life and at times they become the reason for an island to split into two parts., According to scientists, India broke away from Africa and this separate part came and joined Asia after colliding with it., Due to this collision the Himalayan mountain ranges were formed, This is the reason why they are called new and raw mountains., The Aravali mountain ranges are strong and solid., middle of africa,Why is there a crack in the middle?, Earth,according…

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To Live In Antarcticas Vilas Las Estrellas Village It Is Necessary To Have An Appendix Operation

To Live In Antarcticas Vilas Las Estrellas Village It Is Necessary To Have An Appendix Operation

Appendix Operation Is Necessary To Stay Here: There are some rules for living anywhere in the world. For example, to live in India, you must have an Aadhaar number from a legal point of view. Foreigners must have passport of their country and visa from India to stay here. Similarly, other countries also have their own rules, but there is a settlement in Antarctica where if someone wants to live for a long time, it is necessary to get his appendix removed by operation. Antarctica is a very cold continent.…

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