Winged ants are coming out here, this is a sign

Winged ants are coming out here, this is a sign

Report- Arya Jha Madhubani: After the end of the rainy season, a special phenomenon is observed in rural areas that winged ants emerge. These ants are usually seen after the rain. According to local beliefs, these ants are a sign that some big change or end is about to happen. The moisture and environment of the soil after rain in rural areas is conducive for the emergence of many small insects. One of the prominent species among these is the winged ant. This ant is especially visible when the weather…

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Ants Smell: Can humans identify ants by smell? Expert told the science behind it

Ants Smell: Can humans identify ants by smell?  Expert told the science behind it

Ants are known for their small size and fast attack. But do you know that humans can identify ants by smelling them. Today we will tell you how humans can smell ants? After all, what has been revealed in the research regarding the smell of ants.  Ants The question is, how many types of ants are there? Most people will answer this question that there are two types of ants. The first are red ants and the second are black ants. But in reality there are thousands of species of…

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Boys are bitten by poisonous ants know the strange way to prove masculinity.

Boys are bitten by poisonous ants know the strange way to prove masculinity.

The world is a very strange place. Even today there are many places about which very few people know. There are still many people in the world who are not even remotely aware of modernity. Many types of tribes live in remote areas of the world. Who have surprising practices. In some tribes, there are some strange rituals that boys have to complete in order to become adults. Only then they are called men and they get married. One such tribe is in Brazil. Where boys have to get bitten…

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Why Do Ants Sometimes Go Around In A Circle This Is The Reason Behind This

Why Do Ants Sometimes Go Around In A Circle This Is The Reason Behind This

Ants Moving In Circle: Every born living being is sure to die. Humans, big and ferocious animals, insects and all are sure to die. Normally living beings die due to some disease or old age. But man is often responsible for his own death. Like humans, many creatures invite their own death and one of them is the ant. Ants often do something or the other that leads to their death. Ants themselves make a circle and get trapped in it and die. You must have seen hundreds of ants…

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Why Do Ants Die When They Cross The Line Of Lakshman Rekha

Why Do Ants Die When They Cross The Line Of Lakshman Rekha

Ants: When the temperature is low, that is, when winter comes, some creatures go underground. They stop showing up. But as soon as summer comes, they come out from behind. Ants are one of them. As soon as summer starts, they come out of their homes and start wandering in search of food. Sometimes they do a lot of damage to us while searching for food for themselves. On the other hand, if it is cut, it starts burning. In such a situation, the person gets irritated or for the…

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Red And Black Ants At Home Know These Are Auspicious Or Inauspicious According To Shakun Shastra

Red And Black Ants At Home Know These Are Auspicious Or Inauspicious According To Shakun Shastra

Shakun Shastra for Ants at Home: The exit of ants at home may seem like a simple thing, but do you know that the exit of ants at home is associated with auspicious and inauspicious signs. Usually black and red colored ants are seen. If such ants are visible at your house too, do not consider it as unnecessary. In Shakun Shastra, it has been told about the ants of these two colors, with which auspicious and inauspicious signs are associated. good and bad omens related to ants What…

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