There are no rivers in these countries, know where people here get water from

Everyone on earth, be it human or animal, needs oxygen and water to survive. No person can survive without oxygen and water. But do you know that there are many countries around the world where there is not a single river or lake. Today we will tell you from where the people living in such places get water.   Water Water is an important part of life, life cannot be imagined without it. But there are many countries where there is not a single natural river. The people living in…

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In this Muslim country women can marry people of other religions without any restrictions there is a law for marriage

You must have read that in Arab countries, Muslim women were not allowed to marry non-Muslims. Even today, in most Arab countries, Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslims. But today we are going to tell you about a Muslim country where Muslim women are allowed to marry non-Muslim boys. Know which country and where it is. Tunisia Let us tell you that Tunisia is a Muslim country. This country has set aside the centuries old tradition and has given its approval to the Muslim women of the country.…

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Why are helpers called Khalasi, know where this word came from

  All of you must have heard the word Khalasi around you or in your job. Especially in Indian Railways, helpers are called Khalasi. But have you ever wondered where this word comes from? Today we will tell you where this word Khalasi for helpers comes from. After all, what does it mean.  The word Khalasi  According to the information, Khala is an Arabic word. It has many meanings like space, sky, empty space, void, void, heaven, emptiness etc. Let us tell you that the word Khali is formed from…

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Why are Kuwait and Arab countries taking cow dung from India on a large scale?

Kuwait and Arab countries having oil and gas reserves are buying many tonnes of cow dung from India. Some time ago, Kuwait had placed an order for 192 metric tons of cow dung to India, which has now been completed. Similarly, both the countries are importing large quantities of cow dung from India. But do you know why Kuwait and Arab countries import so much cow dung from India? If not then let’s find out. Why are Kuwait and Arabs asking for cow dung from India? Actually, agricultural scientists have…

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Which Muslim country does no have any temple watch list Saudi Arabia Kuwait Muslim Hindu Population

Temple in Muslim Country: Hindu temple is to be inaugurated in Abu Dhabi by the hands of PM Modi, which is being discussed all over the world. The grandeur and beauty of the temple is such that everyone is becoming its admirer. some people it Ram Mandir If we look at it in connection with the relationship, people from the educated classes also say that this has further strengthened the foundation of the relationship between the two. But do you know which Muslim countries still do not have a single…

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This is the world’s newest religion, there is a special reason behind its creation

The world’s newest religion is Abrahamic. This word was used for the first time in 2020. When United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed an agreement with Israel. At that time, the agreement made by then President Donald Trump and his advisor Jared Kushner was named Abraham Agreement. Although controversy continues regarding this religion, but do you know why this religion was created. Why was the Abrahamic religion created?The purpose of creating the Abrahamic religion was to eliminate mutual differences by looking at the similarities between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Although…

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Who has the key of Kaaba made of gold, Saudi King does not go inside without permission

  The Kaaba, located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is the holiest pilgrimage site of Islam. Crores of Muslims from all over the world come here every year. For this, the Saudi government especially makes arrangements ranging from visa to accommodation. But do you know who holds the keys of the holy Kaaba. Because the Saudi royal family or administration has no connection whatsoever with it. Today we will tell you which family has the key of the holy Kaaba.  Shayba family Let us tell you that the key of the…

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Along With Fragrance Shamama Perfume Gives Many Health Benefits Know Everything Here

Very few people would know about the special type of Shamama perfume, which apart from filling the surrounding environment with fragrance, can also prove beneficial for your health. For this reason, this is the only perfume which, along with giving you fragrance, also gives you health benefits. It is mostly used in the winter season and its demand is even abroad. There is huge demand in Arab countries Kannauj district of Uttar Pradesh is famous all over the world for perfume. It was from here that Shamama perfume started, which…

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