6 liters of Vaseline was injected into the arm with a needle, the arm swelled up like a balloon, the onlookers were stunned!

6 liters of Vaseline was injected into the arm with a needle, the arm swelled up like a balloon, the onlookers were stunned!

Nowadays, youngsters go to gyms to build their bodies. They consume protein. They work hard day and night so that their muscles, chest, thighs etc. can come in better shape. But some people want to fulfill their passion by adopting shortcuts. One such person is Kirill Tereshin from Russia, who is also known as Bazooka Hands and Russian Popeye. This person was so obsessed with building muscles that he injected 3 liters of Vaseline in both his hands. This person injected 6 liters of Vaseline in both his hands through…

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