spicy foods eaten during pregnancy can burn the baby eyes know about myths and facts

spicy foods eaten during pregnancy can burn the baby eyes know about myths and facts

There are many myths in our society regarding pregnancy. For example, ghee should be eaten during pregnancy, it makes the child normal. On the other hand, there is also a myth that one should not eat spicy food during pregnancy because it causes irritation in the eyes of the child. That means it has a bad effect on the child. Today we ABP Live Hindi have started a series on โ€˜Myth vs Factsโ€™. Through this series, all the myths in the society regarding pregnancy have been dispelled. We will tryโ€ฆ

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Can you get pregnant on or right after your period

Can you get pregnant on or right after your period

If a woman is having regular periods, it does not mean that she can have children in the future. Actually, there is a belief in our society that if a girl or woman starts having periods, she can become a mother in the future. But this is not true at all. Many times it happens that women have normal periods but they cannot become mothers. Today in ABPโ€™s special series Myth and Fact, we will talk about whether drinking hot water during periods is beneficial? Also, we will know whetherโ€ฆ

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