Turkey started selling tanks in Asia gave 10 Tiger tanks to Indonesia

Turkey Made Tank: Turkey is continuously strengthening its presence in Asia. Till now Turkey used to supply only drones, but now Turkish made tanks have also started coming to Asia. Recently the Indonesian Army has included Turkish tanks in its army. The Embassy of Indonesia in Turkey announced that Indonesia’s Defense Minister and newly elected President Prabowo Subianto has included 10 Turkish made tanks in his army. These tanks are known as Kaplan or Tiger. Indonesia and Turkey are making tanksThe embassy said in its announcement that the medium weight…

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China Latest News: Neighboring country China is continuously making new moves to establish its dominance in Asia. In this series, one of its delegations has visited many Asian countries. This has been confirmed by China itself. The delegation says that they have visited neighboring countries especially Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives. During the visit, discussions were held for future defense cooperation on defense issues with neighboring countries. At present, India is China’s biggest rival in the Asian region. This is the reason why Dragon is making every possible effort…

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In Pakistan, men and women vote differently you will be surprised to know these rules

Voting for general elections is going on in Pakistan today. According to the information, 26 crore ballot papers have been printed for election voting. Whereas out of the total population of 22 crore, 12.69 crore voters are exercising their franchise to elect the new government. Today we are going to tell you how men and women vote differently in Pakistan. How many polling booths have been made for women and men in Pakistan? Women are not allowed to vote Even today, in many areas of Pakistan, men do not allow…

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There is a place in India where going is banned, smoke always comes out

There is a place in India where going is prohibited. Now you must be thinking that there is such a place in our country where no person can go. This place is in the Bay of Bengal, about 150 kilometers away from Port Blair, the capital of Andaman. Today we will tell you why it is forbidden to go there.  Where in Andaman? This place is about 150 kilometers away from Port Blair in Bengal. There is a volcano in Barren Island, spread over an area of ​​about three km…

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China COVID Deaths Accelerate To 9000 A Day UK Research Firm Airfinity Claims

Covid deaths in China: Kovid continues to wreak havoc in China, the situation is such that there 9000 people are dying daily due to Kovid. This claim has been made by news agency Reuters quoting UK-based research firm Airfinity. He said that the number of deaths due to Kovid in China has increased to 9000 in a day. About 9,000 people in China are possibly losing their lives to COVID-19 every day, according to Airfinity, nearly double its estimate from a week ago, as infections spread across the world’s most…

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There was a debt of 22 thousand on her head, to escape, the woman got her son to ‘murder’ her own!

Woman Plays Dead for Facebook Photos: Nowadays it is the time of social media. Every small and big activity of a human being or should we say that things from birth to death are known to others only through social media. You must have seen that even the first photo of the birth of a child is posted on social media, then the pictures of the last darshan are also seen there. Taking the help of this custom, a woman announced her death on the social networking site Facebook because…

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