Male models sell women’s clothes, come live wearing nighties and bras, the reason is interesting…

Chinese Men Models Are Showcasing Female Clothes: Nowadays it is the era of marketing. In such a situation, if anything is to be sold, then various methods have to be devised to make it reach the people. One such way is modeling, in which the product is delivered to the people through an appealing face. Like our country, there is a lot of trend of online commerce in China too. However, a next level experiment going on there at the moment will fill you with wonder. Different types of tools…

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China COVID Deaths Accelerate To 9000 A Day UK Research Firm Airfinity Claims

Covid deaths in China: Kovid continues to wreak havoc in China, the situation is such that there 9000 people are dying daily due to Kovid. This claim has been made by news agency Reuters quoting UK-based research firm Airfinity. He said that the number of deaths due to Kovid in China has increased to 9000 in a day. About 9,000 people in China are possibly losing their lives to COVID-19 every day, according to Airfinity, nearly double its estimate from a week ago, as infections spread across the world’s most…

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