Tamil Nadu Bhajan Man Janeu Brahmin waring RSS Hindu Munnani Astik Samaj | Stopped, cut off the sacred thread and then threatened

Tamil Nadu Bhajan Man Janeu Brahmin waring RSS Hindu Munnani Astik Samaj | Stopped, cut off the sacred thread and then threatened

Janeu Latest News: A young man has been insulted for wearing the sacred thread (a kind of thread worn on the body) which is considered very sacred in Hinduism. He was first stopped, then his sacred thread was cut and thrown away and later he was threatened not to wear it again. The whole incident is from Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu, South India. According to the report of news agency PTI-Bhasha, the victim has been identified as 24-year-old Akhilesh. He was going to the local Astik Samaj run by Brahmins…

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