Why do spacecrafts not collide with thousands of asteroids in space? Know the answer

Why do spacecrafts not collide with thousands of asteroids in space? Know the answer

There are thousands of asteroids in space, but till date no spacecraft has ever collided with an asteroid. This too has an interesting and a little difficult story. It is believed that this happens because that kind of technology is used in spacecraft. Let us know in detail why spacecraft do not collide with asteroids? Let us try to understand this with an imagination. Suppose a space agency located on a remote planet is planning an ambitious mission. The objective of the mission is to search for life on a…

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two giant asteroids will pass very close to the Earth today know what the damage can be

two giant asteroids will pass very close to the Earth today know what the damage can be

Two huge asteroids are going to pass close to Earth today, NASA has confirmed this.2024QG And 2021 RA10 from Earth 640,000 And 1,620,000 the miles are about to pass by, These celestial bodies are called the nearest bodies to the Earth (NEO) It has been told, Tell these asteroids 2024QG for the first time on 15 august 2024 Pan-STARRS at Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii1 was discovered through a telescope, These asteroids will pass very close to the Earth today. In such a situation, let us know whether these can cause…

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Asteroid Apophis as knows as God of destruction come closer to earth NASA Scientist watching know more

Asteroid Apophis as knows as God of destruction come closer to earth NASA Scientist watching know more

Asteroid Apophis: Asteroid Apophis is going to pass very close to the Earth, which has increased the interest of scientists even more. Apophis is called the God of Destruction and it is going to pass very close to the Earth in 2019. That is, at a distance of 20,000 miles. This will be the first time that such a large asteroid is going to pass close to the Earth. This asteroid is going to be visible from the eastern hemisphere on April 13, 2029. It can be seen from Europe,…

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Nasa Asteroid Alert Today Two Huge Space Objects Arriving Closer To Earth

Nasa Asteroid Alert Today Two Huge Space Objects Arriving Closer To Earth

NASA Spots Asteroids: The US space agency has issued an alert on Thursday (August 1) about two huge meteors passing very close to the Earth. NASA has said that there is no danger from these two meteors at present. However, NASA says that this is the best opportunity to study meteors. Among these, meteor 2024 OE is as big as a building, while the size of the other meteor 2024 00 is equal to that of an airplane. According to the Indian Express report, space agency NASA has also given…

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