Astronauts will be able to stay healthy on the Moon, ‘Wall of Death’ will help in fitness, exercising will be easy

You must have seen such a “well” in the fair, which is a large cylindrical structure in which motorcycles or cars are driven on a round vertical wall. This wall is called the Wall of Death and the astronauts going to the Moon will be given training on a similar “Wall of Death” which will prevent them from going to the Moon in a weak condition. The difference in gravitational loads means astronauts spending long periods of time on the lunar surface will need additional technology to stay fit and…

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There is no gravity in space, then how do astronauts take bath in space? You will also find this method wonderful

Space is completely mysterious. People are curious to know many things about space. Many countries send their astronauts to space for different explorations. There they find an environment and conditions quite different from Earth. Not only this, they also have to face many difficulties while traveling in space. At some point or the other, this question might have come to your mind that how do astronauts take bath in space? Today we will give you the answer to this question.   Using water is difficult It is true that astronauts use…

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Even after coming back from space, astronauts cannot eat their favorite food, what is the reason?

Many questions arise in everyone’s mind regarding space. Like how astronauts land in space, what they eat there and what they do after coming back from there. However, this question would hardly have arisen in anyone’s mind as to what kind of life astronauts live after returning to Earth. If you too have not thought about this, then let us know today what astronauts eat after coming back to Earth. Astronauts cannot eat the food of their choice after coming back from space!You will be surprised to know that after…

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cabin of Gaganyaan in which 4 Indian astronauts will go to space ISRO

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is continuously waving the flag of success. ISRO is preparing for its new Gaganyaan mission. At the same time, PM Narendra Modi has given astronaut wings to all four astronauts of Gaganyaan mission. Let us tell you that all these astronauts are test pilots of the Indian Air Force. But do you know how all these passengers will go into the cabin of Gaganyaan. Today we will tell you what is special in Gaganyaan. What is Gaganyaan Mission? The goal of the Gaganyaan mission is…

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why astronaut can not walk or forget walking after landing on Earth from space

Space is completely mysterious. A lot of research has been done in space and a lot of research still remains to be done. Many countries send their astronauts to space for different explorations. There they find an environment and conditions quite different from Earth, which affects their health. One such effect falls on their feet and the result is that when an astronaut comes to Earth from space, he does not leave it. Yes, when astronauts return to Earth, they are not able to place their feet properly on the…

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returning from space passengers are not given normal food, know what food they get

Many questions arise in everyone’s mind regarding space. Like what do astronauts eat, how do they live in space? But have you ever wondered how travelers would live a normal life after coming back from space? What food will you eat immediately after coming back? Today we will tell you what astronauts eat immediately after reaching Earth. I don’t get everything for a few days Let us tell you that after coming back from space, passengers have to follow a strict diet for a few days. So that their body…

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He is 59 years old, this person has stayed in space for the longest time, can make a record of thousand days

Over the past few years, every astronaut’s time in space has been increasing. Space agencies want to know whether humans are ready for long space travel or they will have to make some special preparations for it. Recently, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko has broken the world record for staying in space for the longest time. He has made a new record by staying in space for more than 878 days. Kononenko on Sunday broke the record of his own country’s astronaut Gennady Padalka. Gennady Padalka had spent a total of…

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Green vegetables can be grown in space but you cannot eat them, know the reason

The International Space Station keeps conducting many types of experiments. Here scientists keep doing many types of experiments. In one of those experiments, scientists have tried to grow vegetables in space. Actually, scientists grew useful vegetables for salad here. Which he also included in his diet, but now recently it has come to light how harmful these vegetables are for his health. Why are vegetables grown in space not edible?Actually, researchers at the University of Delaware have recently discovered that salads made from vegetables grown in space quickly get infected…

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Astronauts Will Experience New Year 16 Times In Space Nasa Says Space Station Makes 16 Orbits Of Earth

New Year 2024: just a few hours later year 2023 It will end and the world will enter 2024. Meanwhile, the International Space Station (ISS) is ready to face changes from 2023 to 2024. The special thing is that astronauts will be able to watch the New Year countdown a total of 16 times. Due to the rapid velocity of the space station and its orbit around Earth, astronauts see approximately 16 occurrences of both sunrise and sunset in a 24-hour cycle. In this regard, NASA has said, “In 24…

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