Have you ever seen the confluence of the seas? The colours of the water look different, you cannot make a mixture of them even if you want to!

If someone asks you a question about Sangam, where is it, then surely everyone’s answer will be Prayagraj. This is the place where the three holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati merge with each other. Then the Ganga river keeps moving forward, which goes to the Bay of Bengal and merges with the sea. Meanwhile, many other rivers also merge with Ganga. But all of them give up their form and color and get colored in the color of Ganga. But today we are going to show you such a…

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Why is the area where Titanic sank said to be extremely dangerous?

When the Titanic ship was completed, many claims were made that it could never sink. When this ship set sail for the first time, around 2200 people boarded it believing these claims. However, on April 14, 1912, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. 1517 people died in this accident. After this accident, Titanic was searched for a long time.  After which its debris was searched about four kilometers inside the sea in 1985. Now people spend huge amounts of money to see the wreck…

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World Most Expensive Potato Le Bonnotte Produce In France Price Equal To Gold Silver

Potato, the number one vegetable and number one in taste, holds a special place in the lives of all of us. Sometimes it is used extensively as a vegetable and sometimes as a snack. Generally, potato is eaten throughout the year because its cost is low and it fits with every dish. At present, its price in retail is Rs 10 to 15 per kg and throughout the year it is sold at a maximum of Rs 20 to 50, but do you know that there is a variety of…

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