Auto-brewery syndrome these people make alcohol inside their body the intoxication is more than a full bottle

Auto-brewery syndrome these people make alcohol inside their body the intoxication is more than a full bottle

Drinking alcohol is harmful for health. This is the reason why every sensible person advises to stay away from alcohol. But what if alcohol starts getting produced inside the body on its own. Not only does it get produced, but it also causes dangerous intoxication. Yes, this is not a lie but a truth. There are some people on this earth, in whose body alcohol gets produced and it also causes intoxication. Let us tell you about it in detail. How alcohol starts forming inside the body Actually, the reason…

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This disease turns normal food into alcohol in the stomach and the person starts dancing in intoxication

This disease turns normal food into alcohol in the stomach and the person starts dancing in intoxication

Imagine that one day your health suddenly deteriorates and you have to go to the hospital. There the doctor will do various tests on you and say that the reason for your bad health is your excessive drinking. While you do not even touch alcohol. In such a situation you will get upset and people will again suspect you that you are lying. Something similar happened with a woman from Canada. This woman never used to drink alcohol, but when her health deteriorated, the doctors said that the reason for…

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The woman had not consumed alcohol, yet the doctor kept saying, ‘You have consumed alcohol’, later when he examined her, he was shocked

The woman had not consumed alcohol, yet the doctor kept saying, ‘You have consumed alcohol’, later when he examined her, he was shocked

A very strange incident happened with a woman. She went to the hospital seven times, sometimes feeling dizzy, sometimes having difficulty speaking. Every time the doctor would examine her and say that she had consumed alcohol and a high amount of alcohol was found in her blood. They kept saying that this is the reason why this is happening to her. The surprising thing was that the woman kept claiming that she had not even touched the alcohol with her lips. Much later, when the doctor examined her deeply, what…

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What is Auto Brewery Syndrome? Alcohol starts being produced in the body on its own.

What is Auto Brewery Syndrome? Alcohol starts being produced in the body on its own.

Drinking and driving is a crime. But if you are not driving after drinking alcohol and the amount of alcohol is present in your body during checking, what does it mean? Today we will tell you in simple language how alcohol reaches your body without consuming it.   What is the matter Actually, a person was arrested in Belgium on suspicion of drunk driving. According to a report by Reuters, medical examination found that the person has a rare disease called Auto Brewery Syndrome. Alcohol starts producing automatically in the…

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Auto Brewery Syndrome Symptoms Ethanol Discharges From The Intestines

Auto Brewery Syndrome Symptoms Ethanol Discharges From The Intestines

Some people drink alcohol as a hobby. Some do not feel like drinking at all. But in the ceremony they are forced to drink alcohol. At the same time, there are some, whose alcohol has become a part of their life. They live the wine as if they are spending time with the family. But when it comes to alcohol, do you know that one such disease is also associated with the human body, after which the person behaves in the same way. Like he’s drunk. While in reality he…

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