Journey of taste: Dry fruit Baheda is rich in ‘juice of virtues’, Ayurveda also considered it a special herb, learn interesting things

Journey of taste: Dry fruit Baheda is rich in ‘juice of virtues’, Ayurveda also considered it a special herb, learn interesting things

highlights Information about Baheda has been given in every ancient and new Ayurvedic book of India, it is considered very beneficial. There is a special description of Baheda in about 5000 thousand years old Ayurveda-Shastra of India. Baheda fruit is mostly used for Ayurvedic medicines. Bahera Benefits and Its History: The prevalence of Ayurveda and its related treatments and medicines is increasing in India and even in the world. In this episode, the trend of Triphala Churna has increased a lot. This powder keeps the stomach fit and apart from…

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