Sweet guava of Sawai Madhopur is making a splash in Dholpur 4 tons are consumed daily rate is up to 50 rupees per kg

Sweet guava of Sawai Madhopur is making a splash in Dholpur 4 tons are consumed daily rate is up to 50 rupees per kg

Dholpur. With the beginning of winter season, the seasonal fruit guava starts arriving in the markets. People of all ages want to eat guava during winter. Talking about Dholpur, people here like to eat guava in winter. People of Dholpur like to eat guava with salt. This time, due to guava being cheap, it is making waves in the markets of Dholpur. People of Dholpur like to eat guava of Sawaimadhopur the most. The reason for this is that the guava of Sawaimadhopur is the best and full of sweetness.…

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Guava Chat Recipe: Make guava chaat in this way, even children will be able to plate it cleanly.

Guava Chat Recipe: Make guava chaat in this way, even children will be able to plate it cleanly.

Guava Chat Recipe: Guava is such a fruit that adults as well as children like to eat it. Its special thing is that your hands do not get dirty while eating it. For this reason, people eat it anywhere when they feel slightly hungry. Although guava is eaten in many ways, but people like its chaat the most. In this season, guavas become available in abundance in the market. In such a situation, if you want, you can make guava chaat and feed it to children. This is a delicious…

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Famous Pink Guava: The taste of sweets pales in comparison to this guava, it is famous by the name of Peda, it created a stir as soon as it arrived in Karauli market.

Famous Pink Guava: The taste of sweets pales in comparison to this guava, it is famous by the name of Peda, it created a stir as soon as it arrived in Karauli market.

Karauli. With the onset of winter, the famous guava of Sawai Madhopur has made its appearance in the markets of Karauli. Due to its specialty, this guava has a one-sided rule in the market. Every year in the markets of Karauli, this guava is sold in the name of Madhopur’s special sweet and pedas. This time too, as soon as it entered the market, this guava has created a stir in the markets of Karauli with its sweetness. Entered the markets of Karauli 15 days agoAccording to fruit trader Ramcharan…

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this fruit and leaves have many health benefits it eliminates diseases

this fruit and leaves have many health benefits it eliminates diseases

Consumption of fruits is considered very beneficial for health. By consuming these, the diseases occurring in the body gradually begin to disappear. There are many fruits which are rich in nutrients. One of these is the guava tree, whose fruit is rich in nutrients and its leaves are also considered very beneficial. Today we will tell you the benefits of both its fruits and leaves. Know the benefits of fruits Guava fruit contains Vitamin C which is helpful in strengthening the digestion process. According to the information, guava fruit is…

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Guvava Have A Number Of Health Benefits Check All Here Help In Boosting Immunity Cures Cancer Maintain Body Weight

Guvava Have A Number Of Health Benefits Check All Here Help In Boosting Immunity Cures Cancer Maintain Body Weight

Guava Benefits: Keeping yourself fit in this busy life is no less than a challenge. If the weather is winter then the difficulty increases further. On the one hand, the mind has to be engaged in work, on the other hand, the body has to be protected from the cold. In such a situation, it is necessary that enough energy remains in the body in winter. The immunity of the body becomes weak in cold due to which the risk of viral infection increases. You can eat guava to get…

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