How old is eating jaggery more beneficial? Know from experts

How old is eating jaggery more beneficial? Know from experts

Jaggery is a superfood which is very beneficial for health. It is found in abundance in important nutrients like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium etc. But do you know that old jaggery is more beneficial than new jaggery. According to experts, 1 to 2 year old jaggery is most beneficial. The antioxidant and nutritional value of jaggery increases for this period.  It boosts our immunity and also helps in relieving stress. Therefore, eating old jaggery between 1 to 2 years is more beneficial. Let us know the benefits of eating jaggery……

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After knowing so many benefits of eating Chura-Curd in winter, you too will start eating it.

After knowing so many benefits of eating Chura-Curd in winter, you too will start eating it.

During the cold season, Doodh Chuda or Dahi Chuda is such a combination which is very beneficial for our health. Doodh Chura or Dahi Chura is widely eaten in UP, Bihar and Jharkhand. People like to eat it for breakfast. This much to eatIt looks delicious but it is more beneficial than that. If you are short of time then you can do it quickly Can prepare. For this you just have to take curd or hot milk and chuda and add jaggery to it and eat it. All these…

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How To Check The Purity Of Jaggery Which Is The Best Way To Get Maximum Health Benefits Out Of Gur

How To Check The Purity Of Jaggery Which Is The Best Way To Get Maximum Health Benefits Out Of Gur

How To Choose Best Jaggery: As awareness is increasing among the youth for health and fitness, the demand for jaggery is also increasing. Because whenever most people start working on weightloss and muscle building, they leave refined sugar and shift to jaggery. Because jaggery is a natural sweetener. It gives calories almost equal to sugar but does not harm the body in the same way as refined sugar does. You must have read and heard about these qualities of virtues earlier also. Here you are being told the important things…

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