This woman started a startup with studies, delicious sprouts and healthy juice, people are liking it

This woman started a startup with studies, delicious sprouts and healthy juice, people are liking it

Ramkumar Nayak/Raipur. These days, there is a lot of buzz about startups among people of every class. Everyone wants to do a startup. Many freshers are starting startups along with their studies. Some succeed, many learn lessons. Today we are going to tell you about a young woman who has started her own startup along with her studies and is getting tremendous response from people. We are talking about Suman Sahu. Who sets up a juice and sprouts shop in Marine Drive of Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh. Let us…

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Juice Benefits Juices Are Useful In Increasing Hemoglobin In The Body

Juice Benefits Juices Are Useful In Increasing Hemoglobin In The Body

Juice benefits: To keep the body healthy, it is necessary to have a good diet. People include milk, green vegetables, fruits and other food items in the diet. Although doctors advise not to eat fast food like pizza burger. Where gas related problems arise from them. At the same time, obesity increases very fast. Doctors recommend drinking juice. Juice has its advantages. There are many such juices too, which work to increase hemoglobin in the blood. Let’s try to know about 5 such drinks. 1. beet juiceBeetroot juice works to…

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