benefits of walnuts

Walnuts vs almonds which is better boost your brainpower and memory

Our brain is the most important part of the body. With the help of neurons,…

Leave cashew-almonds, eat this miraculous ‘dry fruit’ in winter, it will melt both fat and cholesterol instantly.

Last Updated:January 13, 2025, 14:31 ISTCholesterol accumulated in the body is the biggest enemy of…

Walnut pudding makes the brain sharp and active! The taste is such that you do not forget, the recipe is very easy

highlightsWalnuts rich in nutrients are beneficial for the brain. Children of growing age must be…

Cashews, Almonds or Walnuts? Know from AIIMS dietician what is better to eat

highlightsEating dry fruits or nuts is very beneficial in the winter season. AIIMS Dietician says…

Journey of taste: Walnut has thousands of years old history, beneficial for heart and bones, read interesting things

highlightsWalnuts are native to North and South America, Southern Europe, Asia and the West Indies.…