The sweets of this shop have been the king of taste in the world for 90 years, the taste is such that people eat 40 kg in a few hours.

The sweets of this shop have been the king of taste in the world for 90 years, the taste is such that people eat 40 kg in a few hours.

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner. Bikaner is famous all over the world for its taste. Such a sweet is also available here where local and foreign people come to this shop and taste it. We are talking about Bikaner’s special Rabri. The specialty of this Rabri is that it does not last for long hours. More than 40 kg of Rabdi gets destroyed in about three to four hours. This Rabri is also used in other cities which are at short distance. This rabri is not sent to foreign countries, rather foreigners themselves…

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