Which toothbrush is more beneficial for teeth, electric or manual, know according to experts

In ancient times, people used to use toothbrush made of acacia or neem wood to clean teeth.  This was a natural way of brushing and helps in keeping teeth and gums clean. In today’s time, technology has come to clean teeth. Currently, both manual and electric toothbrushes are available in the market. But which brush is right for teeth? Let us know here… Which one is more beneficial Both electric and manual toothbrushes have their own benefits for cleaning teeth. According to experts, electric toothbrushes rotate at high speed and are…

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How Electric Toothbrush Work Know Every Minor Details Related To It

How Electric Toothbrush work?: There was a time when people used to clean their teeth with ash. Then the time came for neem sticks and then people started liking brushes and toothpaste. Day by day technology is getting advanced and people are adopting new technology leaving old habits or things. Now electric brushes have come in the market for cleaning teeth. At present, not many people know about electric brushes because they are very expensive and because of this people do not like to buy them. Know today how electric…

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