Which side should one sleep on? Know the correct sleeping position otherwise you will become victim of these diseases.

Which side should one sleep on?  Know the correct sleeping position otherwise you will become victim of these diseases.

People often like to sleep in the way in which they feel comfortable. But do you know that the way we sleep affects our health a lot. Today we will talk about the benefits of sleeping properly. By sleeping well, you feel energetic the whole day.  Left side Pregnant women are often advised to sleep on their left side. This position is very good for patients suffering from heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux or intestinal diseases.  Right side According to doctors, heart patients should sleep on their right side. This puts less…

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Which side should one sleep on? Know the correct sleeping position otherwise you will become victim of these diseases.

Which side should one sleep on?  Know the correct sleeping position otherwise you will become victim of these diseases.

People often like to sleep in the way in which they feel comfortable. But do you know that the way we sleep affects our health a lot. Today we will talk about the benefits of sleeping properly. By sleeping well, you feel energetic the whole day.  Left side Pregnant women are often advised to sleep on their left side. This position is very good for patients suffering from heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux or intestinal diseases.  Right side According to doctors, heart patients should sleep on their right side. This puts less…

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