Amit Shah Launched Bharatpol Portal: Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the BHARATPOL portal of CBI at Bharat Mandapam on Tuesday (January 07, 2025). Union Home Minister Amit Shah also gave police medals to 35 award winning CBI officers. These people have been awarded the President’s Police Medal for distinguished service and the Union Home Minister’s Medal for excellence in investigation. In his address, Amit Shah said that with the launch of BHARATPOL under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India is entering a new era in international investigation.…
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Home Minister Amit Shah will launch Bharatpol know how it will work against criminals
The Indian government is continuously tightening its grip against criminals and miscreants. But many times the criminals flee abroad after committing the crime, in such a situation it takes a long time for the state police to find out their information. Because the paperwork in these works becomes lengthy. But now the Government of India has started Bharatpol to speed up action against criminals. Today we will tell you how Bharatpol works. Action against criminals and terrorists will be intensified All the security agencies in the country constantly keep an…
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