After the varmala, the bride’s side made such a demand, on not agreeing, the groom remained missing for 4 days, then the marriage took place.

After the varmala, the bride’s side made such a demand, on not agreeing, the groom remained missing for 4 days, then the marriage took place.

Muzaffarpur. Wedding season is going on. In such a situation, a groom, dressed up and having dreams of marriage, reached the bride’s house accompanied by a band and a wedding procession, but little did he know that a scandal was going to happen to him. Let us tell you the whole incident. Actually, the marriage of a young man from Pirapur village of Pear police station area of ​​Muzaffarpur was fixed with a girl from Rajapakad village of Bariyarpur police station area. Everything was going well. Both of them were…

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