This woman from Bikaner makes not one or two but 20 types of sherbets, you will be shocked to know her earnings

There is a high demand for beverages during the summer season. Sharbat, which is famous as a desi drink, is in great demand these days. There is a woman in Bikaner who makes many types of Sharbats at home. Shobha Daga of Bikaner has been making Sharbats for the last many years. The demand for her Sharbats is so high that there is a demand for her Sharbats in various parts of Rajasthan and the country including Bikaner. Shobha has learned the art of making Sharbats from my mother-in-law. Now…

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These 5 royal vegetables are sold for ₹ 5 thousand per kg only in summer, they are not cultivated, remain fresh for many years

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner. Rajasthan is quite famous all over the world for its royal vegetables. There is a lot of demand for dry vegetables here. In such a situation, there are five such dry vegetables of Rajasthan which are easily available in big restaurants, hotels and dhabas of the country. These five dry vegetables are also called royal vegetables. These vegetables are very expensive. The price of these 5 vegetables is 5 to 10 thousand rupees per kg. Even in the market, it is sold much more expensive than other vegetables.…

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These flowers and fruits are available once a month in a year, its vegetable is very tasty, it is a panacea for sugar and blood pressure.

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner. Many types of indigenous fruits and flowers grow in the desert according to the season. Normally you would have eaten fruit vegetable, but have you ever eaten flower vegetable? If not, then today we will tell you that in the desert people also prepare vegetables from sprouted flowers and eat them. We are talking about the sprouted flower Lal Bate. After this flower, the most expensive fruit of Rajasthan grows. Whose vegetable is prepared. The fruits of red bate and ker grow from this tree. It grows only…

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The coming weather was known from the water in a pot, know what the weather will be like this time – News18 Hindi

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner. Bikaner’s Holi is different from the rest in the whole world. There are hundreds of years of traditions here, which the city residents are still following today. Although science has progressed a lot and information about weather is available through many new technologies. Apart from this, even today in Bikaner, people predict the weather using old methods instead of science. It may sound strange but it is true that people here predict the weather from the water of the pot, what kind of weather will be in the…

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