
The eyes of birds like eagle owl are sharper than humans and can identify prey from a distance

Millions of species of animals are found all over the world. All animals have their…

This bird was half male and half female, where was it found and how did it go missing?

Do you know about a creature in this world that is neither completely male nor…

anil kapoor removed nana patekar from movie parinda know behind the reason

Nana Patekar On Anil Kapoor: Famous Bollywood actor Nana Patekar recently denied the allegations of…

A feather of this bird sold for lakhs, what is its specialty

Thousands of species of birds are found in the world. People like to keep some…

health tips bird flu symptoms causes risk factors aware from birds and animals

Bird Flu : Bird flu can become the next pandemic. Humans should be cautious about…

Bird Flu: What is bird flu, does eating non-veg spread the infection

Bird flu is spreading rapidly in India once again. Generally bird flu occurs in birds,…

This special bird is seen only during summers, it hunts while flying in the air

There is severe heat across the country. Due to the heat, the condition of animals…

Why do birds always peck at glass windows? What is the science behind this?

As soon as the summer season arrives, you must have often seen that some birds…

Why is this bird called stupid bird? It gives this special thing as a gift when it meets humans

There are millions of species of animals and birds around the world. The size and…

This birds flight is higher than flight know how many feet it can reach in the sky

How will you feel if you see a bird outside the window while traveling in…