chickadee birds have tremendous memory use their brain like humans

chickadee birds have tremendous memory use their brain like humans

Millions of species of animals are found around the world. All these creatures also have some specialties of their own, due to which they are known. Today we will tell you about a bird whose memory is as fast as humans. Bird Humans are most attracted by the beauty of birds. But all birds have their own specialties, due to which people know them. This includes her beauty, speech and memory. Not only this, some birds are so beautiful that they attract everyone. But the bird we are talking about…

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Do you know why birds do not fall down from the tree while sleeping This is the reason

Do you know why birds do not fall down from the tree while sleeping This is the reason

Sleep is most important in the life of any human being or animal. However, the sleeping patterns of all humans and animals are different. But have you ever wondered why birds do not fall when they sleep on trees at night? Today we will tell you why birds do not fall from trees while sleeping. Sleep You must have noticed that when a person sleeps deeply, he is not conscious at all. In such a situation, many times while changing sides, they fall from the bed on the ground. A…

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Pigeon is the most intelligent among birds know why it was called messenger

Pigeon is the most intelligent among birds know why it was called messenger

There are millions of species of animals found all over the world. Among these, birds are liked the most by humans. Because most birds are attractive due to their softness, colour and voice. But you must have seen that pigeons were used the most for carrying messages. Even today people use pigeons for spying. In such a situation, the question is how intelligent is a pigeon that it remembers the routes and delivers the message to the right person. Pigeon After the advent of the internet, you can send your…

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Owl can see in the dark of night only because of rods know the specialty of its eyes.

Owl can see in the dark of night only because of rods know the specialty of its eyes.

Owl is an animal which can see at night. You must have seen many times that people ask humans that what is an owl? That is, can you see at night? Because the eyes of humans do not have the ability to see at night. But the owl can see everything very clearly at night. Today we will tell you what is there in the eyes of an owl, due to which it can see everything at night. Owl Owl is an animal which can see everything clearly at night.…

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The eyes of birds like eagle owl are sharper than humans and can identify prey from a distance

The eyes of birds like eagle owl are sharper than humans and can identify prey from a distance

Millions of species of animals are found all over the world. All animals have their own specialty, due to which they are known. But today we will tell you about those birds whose eyes are sharper than humans. Yes, these birds can identify their prey from kilometers away. Know which birds have the sharpest eyes. animal eye Let us tell you that apart from humans, almost all the living creatures present on earth have eyes. With which they see. Although some living creatures see clearly like humans, some see things…

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NASA shares photo of Tristan Da Cunha Island more sea birds live here than humans

NASA shares photo of Tristan Da Cunha Island more sea birds live here than humans

Tristan da Cunha Island: NASA has shared a photo of one of the most remote islands in the world. This island is known as Tristan da Cunha. This island is the most remote populated island in the world, where more seabirds reside than humans. This island is part of a group of islands located in the South Atlantic Ocean, which is located about halfway between South America and the southern tip of Africa. NASA has written a long article while sharing the photo of this island on Instagram, in which…

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Ever heard of flying fish, know all the facts here

Ever heard of flying fish, know all the facts here

Flying Fish: Have you often seen a pond, River, You may have seen a fish in the sea, However, you would have never imagined that you would ever see a fish flying in the sky., Everybody knows that a fish cannot live without water, But today we are going to tell you about a fish that flies in the sky., Let us know which species this fish belongs to and where it is found, Where Pie Caste Are flying wala Fishes, According to the information, Lying fish on the ground…

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You must not have seen such friendship: The person who feeds the birds falls ill, hundreds of birds reach home every day to check on their health

You must not have seen such friendship: The person who feeds the birds falls ill, hundreds of birds reach home every day to check on their health

Kajal Manohar/Jaipur Rural: Till date you must have seen and heard about many bird lovers, but today we will tell you about a unique bird lover whose story is just like a film story. Sometimes while scrolling the reels of Instagram and Facebook, we see that a scripted story is going on that a person is feeding the birds every day, but one day that person falls ill so he is unable to feed them, then the birds reach his house searching for that person. But today we are going…

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Why do birds always peck at glass windows? What is the science behind this?

Why do birds always peck at glass windows? What is the science behind this?

As soon as the summer season arrives, you must have often seen that some birds repeatedly peck at your glass window. Have you ever wondered why birds do this? Let us tell you what is the reason behind birds doing this. Why do birds do this? This often happens at the end of summer. When it is time for birds to breed. At this time, some species of birds are very cautious about their partners and children. If they see any threat to their family from anywhere, they are ready…

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This birds flight is higher than flight know how many feet it can reach in the sky

This birds flight is higher than flight know how many feet it can reach in the sky

How will you feel if you see a bird outside the window while traveling in a flight? Yes, a bird also flies at the same height as the flight. However, birds are very dangerous for the flight, they can cause a lot of damage to the flight. But today we will tell you about a bird that flies at the same height as the flight. Know what is the name of this bird and where is it found. flamingo Thousands of flamingos come to India every year. According to experts,…

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