What is smoked biscuit why does smoke come out of it know all the details

What is smoked biscuit why does smoke come out of it know all the details

Smoked Biscuits: There are many strange things in the world. After seeing and knowing which one is often surprised. So there are some things like this. Which humans have made strange. Generally people eat biscuits by dipping them in tea or eat them directly without dipping them in anything. There are different types of biscuits in the world. There are chocolate biscuits, vanilla biscuits and many other flavours. Which are made from different things. But nowadays there is an increasing craze among people for eating smoked biscuits in the market.…

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How many parlays do people consume in a day? The figure will be many times more than you think.

How many parlays do people consume in a day? The figure will be many times more than you think.

Which is the world’s best selling biscuit?  However, after reading this question, some people will say that the answer can be nothing else but Parle-G. It is true that the largest selling biscuit in the world is Parle-G. Today we will tell you how many people eat Parle-G biscuits in a day and how this desi brand was born.  How many people eat Parle-G in a day? strong> Parle ji is the most selling biscuit in the world. According to the information, about 4451 people eat Parle ji every second.…

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This biscuit available in winter is very special, its taste is such that 300 kg is consumed in a few hours.

This biscuit available in winter is very special, its taste is such that 300 kg is consumed in a few hours.

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner. Bikaner is a city of food and drink. Many types of food items are available here even in winter. One of these biscuits is made specially only in winter and from here these biscuits are supplied all over the country. Here people eat biscuits made of sesame, jaggery, millet and barley in the morning in winter. The demand for these biscuits is so much that about 100 to 300 kg of biscuits are made here every day. Shopkeeper Sahil told that this shop is about 50 years old.…

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