This is the world’s strangest tea, somewhere tea is made from cow dung and somewhere from tomatoes

Tea lovers are found all over the world including India. Some people start their morning with tea. Be it summer or winter, tea lovers drink several cups of tea throughout the day. But today we will tell you about some such strange teas, which you would have never heard of before. Yes, this tea is completely different from the tea you drink. Know what all things these strange teas are made from. Strange Tea There is no dearth of tea lovers in India. Tea lovers go far and wide in…

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People never turn off the TV at this place, the reason will surprise you

The culture and lifestyle of citizens of all countries around the world is different. Our country India is a country of diversity, where the culture of people in all states is different. On the other hand, in some countries, people are still living according to very old traditions. But today we are going to tell you about a place where people’s lifestyle is filled with fear. Yes, the people there are always scared. Know what is the reason behind this.  Culture is different The culture and natural beauty of every…

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The owner of wealth worth billions, but does not like to be photographed, know who is this mystery man

Whenever the rich are mentioned, people start naming them. Many people will even reveal the identity of the billionaires. But there is a billionaire in the world whose wealth is not in lakhs of crores but in billions and trillions, but even his employees do not know his name. Can’t even recognize his face. Not once or twice, but this has happened to him many times. This disclosure has been made by this person himself, who is surprising people. According to the Mirror report, 56 year old Michael Flatt is…

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Why is it dangerous to drink tea all the time? Expert told the right tea time.

 Tea is the most liked beverage all over the world. In India, crores of people spend their morning and evening with tea. But do you know that drinking tea all the time is dangerous. Because drinking tea also has its own time. Today we will tell you the right time to drink tea.  Tea According to the report of Daily Star News website ‘Mattress Next Day’ Sleep expert and CEO of the company named Martin Seeley said that one should not drink tea all the time. He told that after…

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A beggar roams around with a QR code around his neck, takes digital payment, will not be able to get away by saying ‘there is no change’!

There was a time when people, if they wanted to buy anything, had to dig into their pockets first. Gradually, digital payment system started in our country and people can make payment through mobile to buy even the smallest things. Now the issue is only with those beggars, who are still waiting for the money left from people’s hands. Today we are going to show you a video related to this. Now digital payment is used everywhere in the country. In such a situation, from vegetable vendors to every shop,…

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When there were no banks, how did people keep their jewelery safe, such lockers were built in forests and mountains.

Today every person keeps his valuables safe in the locker room of the bank. But have you ever wondered where people kept their valuables safe when there were no banks? Because even at that time there were robbers and dacoits. Today we will tell you where earlier people used to keep their belongings safe. Due to which robbers and dacoits could not be seen. Lockers were found in the homes of all those who had money at that time. There used to be a safe. Those people used to keep…

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Why should not wear slippers or high heel sandals in the plane? The flight attendant opened the secret, told – that’s why it is necessary

Whether we are traveling in a train or a plane, we usually wear sandals, slippers for a comfortable journey. Many women also like to travel wearing high heeled sandals. But a flight attendant revealed that people should not do this. It may be comfortable to wear flip flops or crocs in the plane, but this type of footwear can prove to be very dangerous for your safety. Andrea Fishbach, a flight attendant at American Airlines, explained that because such slippers, backless sandals and high heels pose a danger. Why should…

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The world’s most poisonous octopus bitten the woman twice, but nothing happened, the scientist was also surprised

You must have heard about octopus, but do you know about the world’s most poisonous octopus? Yes, the most poisonous octopus, which has so much poison in its body that it can kill more than 20 people at a time. According to scientists, its poison is thousand times more dangerous than cyanide. But you will be surprised to know that this octopus bitten a woman not once but twice, but she survived. Nothing happened to him. According to the report of Live Science, the woman was swimming on the beach…

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Flight attendant opened the secret – told how to travel in business class with cheap tickets, that too absolutely free

Whenever you book a plane ticket, you are asked whether you want business class or economy class. Economy class is much cheaper than business class. Because the facilities are very less in it. Whereas the business class is luxurious. Comfortable broad seats, plenty of leg space. Along with excellent food arrangements. It is not easy for everyone to book business class tickets. But a flight attendant told how one can travel in business class even on cheap tickets and that too absolutely free. Means the money for the ticket will…

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Were looking for a house on rent, the landlord asked for a LinkedIn account, what happened after all?

There is no doubt that finding a house on rent is a difficult task in our country. If we talk about metro cities, then it is even more difficult because there are many obstacles. Landlords ask so many questions, so many different things before letting their houses on rent that sometimes the mind gets confused. However, a landlord made such a demand from Twitter user Gautam that he would not have even imagined. You won’t believe it. He was asked for the details of his LinkedIn profile. When Gautam shared…

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