What does the color of blood look like when hemoglobin is depleted Health

year around the world 19 World Sickle Cell Day is observed on June 15, This is a disease related to red blood cells, Which badly affects the hemoglobin present in the blood, It mainly affects red blood cells, There is a severe deficiency of RBC in this., Due to which the body parts do not get oxygen properly, Apart from this, have you ever thought that if the haemoglobin in our body is completely gone then the colour of the blood running in our body will not be red, so…

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What is the level of high blood pressure risk of heart attack and stroke

When the doctor goes to the doctor, the first thing he does is check the patient’s blood pressure. Because according to the doctor, diseases can be detected by blood pressure. Whereas if there is any serious disease, then the doctor prescribes medicine according to the blood pressure. But do you know what is the level of high blood pressure? Today we will tell you what is the level of high blood pressure and when there is a risk of heart attack and stroke. high blood pressure As age increases, it…

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Mosquitoes not only bite after sucking blood they also urinate on the skin What is the reason behind this

Heat is increasing across the country. The temperature in some states has reached 45 degrees. With the heat the terror of mosquitoes also increases. Not only this, humans make every possible effort to get rid of mosquitoes. But today we will tell you some facts related to mosquitoes, which you might not already know. Actually mosquitoes urinate on your skin after biting. Today we will tell you what is the process when mosquitoes bite a human being. Which mosquitoes bite more? First of all, let us know which mosquitoes bite…

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Which blood do mosquitoes like the most human blood or animal blood know the reason

Whose blood do mosquitoes like the most: The winter season has passed. And now summer has started. Heat shows its wrath in the months of April, May, June and July. And the heat does not bother humans, mosquitoes also create a lot of havoc during this time. Humans have to try different methods to protect themselves from mosquitoes. But still mosquitoes succeed in breaking into human security. And they attack and drink blood. The question that comes in people’s mind is whose blood do mosquitoes like more? Humans or animals?…

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golden blood group called the most special blood How many people have this group in the whole world

Life cannot be imagined without blood in the body. There are eight types of blood groups found in human body like A, B, AB, O positive and negative. But there is also a blood group about which not many people know. Today we will tell you about the golden blood group. golden blood group Let us tell you that the population of the entire world is about eight billion. But in such a large population, this different blood group is found in the body of only 45 people. The name…

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What will happen if blood of wrong group is given to someone? What will be the chances of survival of such a patient?

Life cannot be imagined without blood. This is why blood donation is called great donation. Most of the people donate blood in different blood camps. But have you ever wondered what would happen if blood of a different group is given to a person? Know what doctors say about this.   Blood of different group In conversation with the media, Dr. Sanjay told that wrong blood group The consequences of blood transfusion can be serious. Not only this, it can affect the health of the person. Wrong blood group can cause…

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Your vein also gets lost while giving blood sample, are you a victim of this disease?

Blood Sample Vessels ProblemSometimes due to illness and sometimes during health checkup, people often give blood samples in their life. In the process of taking a blood sample, many times it happens that despite several attempts, the doctor taking the sample is unable to find your vein. Despite trying many times, it becomes difficult for some people to find their vein. In such a situation, the risk of a person getting injured increases if the needle is inserted at the wrong place. Why does this happen, why do some people’s…

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After all, how much blood is necessary to keep the body healthy? Know the right time to donate blood

  We cannot imagine life without blood in the body. But do you know how much blood should be there in the body of a healthy person? How much blood is required in the body of a man and a woman? Today we will tell you how much blood is necessary for the body and what diseases can occur due to lack of blood.  How much blood is necessary for the body A healthy person should have about 10.5 pints of blood in his body. In simple language, a healthy…

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Why Do People In China And Many Countries Drink Snake Blood? Know How Dangerous This Is

Snake is considered one of the most poisonous animals in the world. There are many snakes like King Cobra or Krait, whose bite can kill a person instantly. But do you know that in many countries of the world people drink snake blood. They also get bitten by snakes to get drunk. Today we will tell which people of which countries drink snake blood. In these countries, people drink snake blood. In many countries of the world, people drink snake blood. Let us tell you that snake wine is very…

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There is no blood in this part of the body, it gets oxygen from air.

  It is not possible to imagine life without blood in the body. But there is also an organ in the body where blood does not reach. Today we will tell you which part of the body is there where blood does not reach. No blood reaches the cornea of ​​our body, the cornea is a layer above the eyes. Let us tell you that the cornea is such an important part of the body that without the cornea you cannot even see with your eyes. There is no blood…

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