warning signs of poor circulation know about symptoms

Bad Blood Circulation: A healthy and fit person is one whose blood circulation is working very well. If a person’s blood circulation is poor then blood and oxygen do not reach the body properly and due to this the immunity of that person starts weakening. If there is any disturbance in blood circulation, it can cause many diseases. Not only this, it can greatly affect the tissues, cells and many organs of the body. Due to poor blood circulation, along with lack of oxygen in the body, many nutrients also…

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Tobacco is not necessary, sitting for a long time can also cause cancer

We often hear that tobacco consumption increases the risk of cancer, but in the modern lifestyle, there is another habit which we are ignoring, that is sitting for a long time. In today’s digital age, where most of the work is done sitting at computers and desktops, sitting for hours has become common. Be it working in office, watching TV or spending time on social media, sitting for long periods has become a special part of our lifestyle.  Experts say that sitting for a long time can increase the risk…

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Risk of heart attack is higher in winter do these three exercises

The risk of heart attack increases during winter season. Due to cold, blood vessels contract, due to which blood pressure increases. Apart from this, cholesterol level in the body also increases during winter season. Both these factors increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, chances of heart related problems like heart attack, cardiac arrest, irregular heartbeat etc. become higher in winter. According to experts, heart patients should take special care of themselves in winter. Know which exercise to do daily to keep heart healthy.. Surya NamaskarSurya Namaskar is a yoga…

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Joint Pain In Winter Why Joint Pain Increases In Winter You Will Know The Reason Start This Work From Today Itself

Joint Pain In Winter: Winter comes as good for some people, and bad for some. Those people who start having pain in bones and joints as soon as winter comes, it becomes very difficult for them to bear the winter season. Many people do not understand what could be the reason for knee pain or bone pain. But let us tell you that whether it is winter or summer, taking bone pain lightly can prove to be harmful for you. In case of pain, applying any balm at home or…

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