blood group

having a baby with someone with the same blood type can inflate their offspring

If the husband and wife have the same blood group then there is no harm…

Which blood do mosquitoes like the most human blood or animal blood know the reason

Whose blood do mosquitoes like the most: The winter season has passed. And now summer…

golden blood group called the most special blood How many people have this group in the whole world

Life cannot be imagined without blood in the body. There are eight types of blood…

What will happen if blood of wrong group is given to someone? What will be the chances of survival of such a patient?

Life cannot be imagined without blood. This is why blood donation is called great donation.…

How Blood Groups Affect Your Body What Is The Connection Between Blood Group And Health Which Blood Group Is Prone To Which Disease

Blood Groups And Healths: Crores of people in the world belong to the same blood…