what happens to your body when you go on a 7 day water only fast

what happens to your body when you go on a 7 day water only fast

Water Fasting: Keeping yourself fit in this modern lifestyle is a big challenge. People adopt many tricks to make themselves look healthy, slim and beautiful. For example, stop eating sweet fruits, sugar or chocolate at all. But today we are going to tell you about water fasting. Many things are said about water fasting. But today we will tell you both its advantages and disadvantages. According to research by the University of Illinois at Chicago, water fasting reduces weight rapidly. But it is not effective for long. The researchers of…

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Anjir Laddu For Blood Sugar Control Learn The Recipe To Make It

Anjir Laddu For Blood Sugar Control Learn The Recipe To Make It

Did you know that it may be possible to control blood sugar with ingredients in your kitchen? Today we are talking about laddus made from figs, which are not only delicious to eat. Rather, it also helps in keeping your blood sugar balanced. Figs are naturally sweet and rich in nutrients like fiber and minerals, which help in controlling blood sugar. Today we will tell you about the recipe of this delicious and healthy fig laddu. Let us know how to make this laddu which is beneficial for your health.…

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