rising blood sugar level in diabetes can be controlled by many things read full article in hindi

rising blood sugar level in diabetes can be controlled by many things read full article in hindi

Most of the time when a diabetic patient remains on an empty stomach, his blood sugar level becomes very high. Your eating habits and lifestyle are also considered responsible for this. High blood sugar in diabetes is called hyperglycemia, in which blood sugar starts increasing rapidly. This happens when the body does not produce enough insulin or does not respond properly to insulin. Diabetes patients should drink this special drink In such a situation the sugar level becomes high. You can control it by taking medicines and diet as per…

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vomiting after waking up in the morning or you vomit then you should be careful about your health

vomiting after waking up in the morning or you vomit then you should be careful about your health

When people are sick, they feel unwell and start vomiting. Many times people face this problem due to indigestion or indigestion. Many people face this problem while traveling. But, if you feel like vomiting after waking up in the morning or you vomit (Vomiting Nausea In Morning Empty Stomach Reason). Then you should be careful about your health. Come, let us tell you the reasons for vomiting on an empty stomach in the morning. These are the reasons due to which vomiting occurs as soon as you wake up in…

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natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity read full article in hindi

natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity read full article in hindi

Whenever the sugar level in the blood increases, the pancreas controls it by producing insulin. Whenever we eat food, the nutrients found in it produce insulin in our body naturally. Research shows that eating a diet rich in protein and healthy fats helps in increasing the insulin level in diabetes patients. Plant-based protein sources The protein we eat is broken down into amino acids, which play many roles in your body. Some amino acids are found in proteins. According to many researches, plant-based protein is beneficial for increasing natural insulin…

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Health tips: mix this in wheat flour to control blood sugar level

Health tips: mix this in wheat flour to control blood sugar level

Diet For Diabetes PatientsDiabetes has become a problem that is increasing rapidly and is affecting everyone from children to the young and the elderly. In such a situation, to avoid diabetes, it is advised to pay special attention to diet. Especially it is advised to avoid roti and rice, but it is very difficult to remove roti and rice from Indian food. In such a situation, you can keep diabetes under control even by eating roti, know how. In such a situation, if you also want to eat roti and…

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Don’t ignore 6 signs of the body even by mistake, this is a sign of increasing blood sugar.

Don’t ignore 6 signs of the body even by mistake, this is a sign of increasing blood sugar.

Blood Sugar Signs: Diabetes is an incurable disease. One can live better only by keeping it under control. Due to high blood sugar level, diabetes patients may face problems like frequent thirst, urination, fatigue, blurred vision and weight loss without any reason. High blood sugar can become a threat to the small blood vessels in the body. This causes harm to them. Increase in blood sugar can also be fatal. However, signs of increasing blood sugar level already start appearing on the body. If identified at the right time, the…

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Diabetes: If you never want to become a patient of ‘diabetes’, then stop eating these 6 things from today itself.

Diabetes: If you never want to become a patient of ‘diabetes’, then stop eating these 6 things from today itself.

Bad lifestyle and food have imposed many diseases on people these days. Whether cholesterol, what blood pressure, what heart disease and what diabetes, you will find hundreds of patients of all these diseases around you. Nowadays the disease which has started spreading rapidly is diabetes. Diabetes patients are increasing day by day. According to the World Health Organization, around 422 million people are suffering from high blood sugar in the whole world. Of these, 1.5 million deaths occur every year due to diabetes. On the other hand, if we talk…

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Beans Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels Of Diabetes Patients Know Health Benefits

Beans Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels Of Diabetes Patients Know Health Benefits

Beans For Diabetes Patients: Diabetes is a dangerous disease, in which the level of blood sugar becomes high. Diabetes is an incurable disease anyway. But this disease can be kept under control with the help of proper diet and healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, due to bad eating habits and bad habits, this disease is taking most of the people in its grip. Diabetes may be an incurable disease, but keeping it under control is entirely in your hands. By controlling your food cravings, you can easily deal with this disease. Diabetes…

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Diabetes Unusual Symptoms That People Doesn’t Recognize

Diabetes Unusual Symptoms That People Doesn’t Recognize

High Blood Sugar Symptoms: Like other diseases, diabetes also shows some symptoms in the body, which are very important to identify. Some symptoms are so common that people are often unable to identify them. They think that this is a normal problem, which does not need special attention. However, these are the symptoms, which are very important to identify. Health experts say that ignoring these warning signals of high blood sugar can increase the risk of diabetes rapidly. 1. Fruity Smelling Breath: This is also a symptom of diabetes, which…

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When You Drink Excessive Amounts Of Water Effects On Brain And Body Sodium Lavel

When You Drink Excessive Amounts Of Water Effects On Brain And Body Sodium Lavel

Half of the human body is made up of water. This is the reason why doctors always ask to drink more and more water. This is the reason why we feel thirsty. By drinking water, the temperature of our body remains under control and there is no problem of dehydration. Dieticians or health experts always recommend that three liters of water should be drunk throughout the day. However, it should also be kept in mind that drinking too much water can also harm your health. That’s why it is also…

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Diabetes Patient Should Consume These Things Empty Stomach In Morning To Control Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes Patient Should Consume These Things Empty Stomach In Morning To Control Blood Sugar Level

How To Control Diabetes: It is said that one should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. This proverb emphasizes that breakfast should always be such that it contains all the essential nutrients. So that after eating this, you feel active throughout the day and also remain healthy. The most important time in the morning is when you are going to take your first bite of the day. Many people are found consuming unhealthy food items on an empty stomach, which is not…

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