Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More This Is The Reason Behind This

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More This Is The Reason Behind This

Mosquitoes: With the onset of summer, mosquitoes also start coming. Some people complain that mosquitoes bother them more, they complain that mosquitoes buzz more around them, while the people around them have less complaints. Is it true that mosquitoes bother some people more? Or is it just their illusion? What did the researchers say? Scientists had conducted a study about this, the results of which found that some people really act like magnets for mosquitoes. Actually, a special kind of smell comes out from the body of those people which…

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Can You Take A Bath On Your Period Read Full Article

Can You Take A Bath On Your Period Read Full Article

Period is an important part of women’s life. This is a biological process. It is common for women to have mood swings and hormonal changes during periods. But some myths are also associated with the period. For example, during periods, girls are often told that they should not bathe with cold water for a long time. Also shouldn’t hair be washed? What is the logic behind this, today we will talk about this. These hormonal changes happen in the body during periods According to the news published in Network 18,…

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