To Get Blue Tick On Facebook And Instagram Users Have To Pay This Much Fee Monthly Paid Verification Service

To Get Blue Tick On Facebook And Instagram Users Have To Pay This Much Fee Monthly Paid Verification Service

Facebook and Instagram Blue Tick: There was a time when blue ticks were available for free on social media apps and people were happy to get this verification badge. But now it is not so because now everyone can get blue tick on social media apps by paying money. Twitter launches ‘Twitter Blue Subscription’ for blue ticks worldwide. Now after this Meta has also announced paid verification service for its products. That is, now you can easily get blue ticks on Facebook and Instagram by paying money. have to pay…

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Instagram Blue Tick May Get Paid Soon Users Have To Pay For This Deatils Here

Instagram Blue Tick May Get Paid Soon Users Have To Pay For This Deatils Here

Instagram Blue Tick: Ever since Twitter was bought by businessman Elon Musk, more than one change has been taking place on this platform continuously. Recently the company launched Twitter Blue for Android users. For Twitter Blue, users have to pay $ 11 every month. In Twitter Blue, people get blue ticks on the account and many premium services which are not available to the common user. Meanwhile, Instagram can also now charge for Blue Tick on its platform. Let me tell you, there are more than 2 billion active users…

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