This lizard tongue is blue people keep it in their homes too it looks quite dangerous

This lizard tongue is blue people keep it in their homes too it looks quite dangerous

Millions of species of animals are found around the world. All animals have their own characteristics, color and shape. Some of these animals are so dangerous that they cause direct harm to humans. Some animals can also be reared at home. But today we are going to tell you about a lizard whose tongue is blue. Yes, generally the tongue of any lizard is not blue. But the tongue of this lizard is blue. Animal Millions of species of animals are found on earth. However, there are many species of…

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If you see these marks on your tongue then you may be a heart patient, identify it this way

If you see these marks on your tongue then you may be a heart patient, identify it this way

Tongue Signs For Heart Disease : Heart diseases are increasing rapidly these days. Bad lifestyle, bad eating habits are giving rise to problems like high cholesterol and blood pressure. Due to which the heart is affected. Cholesterol is a waxy sticky substance, which increases in the body due to bad eating habits. Increased cholesterol can cause plaque to form in the arteries, which can stop blood circulation. Increased cholesterol can increase the risk of diseases like heart attack and blood pressure. Increased cholesterol causes many symptoms in the body. These…

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