If your weight is correct then the risk of high blood pressure can be reduced let us know how

If your weight is correct then the risk of high blood pressure can be reduced let us know how

In today’s busy lifestyle, high blood pressure i.e. hypertension is becoming a common problem. Most people are not aware that their blood pressure is increasing. But do you know that if your weight is correct and controlled, the risk of hypertension can be reduced to a great extent? Yes, this is true. Let us understand what is the relationship between overweight and hypertension and how maintaining the right weight can prevent it. what is the right weight Correct weight means a weight that is necessary for your body to remain…

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Obesity Increases 91 Percent Higher Risk Of Early Death Study Claims

Obesity Increases 91 Percent Higher Risk Of Early Death Study Claims

Obesity Cause Death Risk: Overweight or obesity brings with it many diseases. There are many such diseases, which arise in one’s body due to the effect of obesity. According to a new study, obesity increases the risk of dying from any disease from 22 percent to 91 percent. According to the results of a study published in the journal Popular Studies, people with a high body mass index (BMI) have a higher mortality rate. This result is completely contrary to the results of those studies, which show that the risk…

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