Like a phone, the human body also has a ‘flight mode’, this is how the condition becomes

Like a phone, the human body also has a ‘flight mode’, this is how the condition becomes

In this era of internet, phone has become a necessity for everyone. Today most people have smart phone and internet facility. But when a user has to turn off the net and network of the phone, or while traveling in flight, it has to be put in flight mode. But do you know that human body also has flight mode. Yes, know how the flight mode of human body works. Flight mode Smart phone has become a necessity for every person today. But when any user has to turn off…

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What will happen to a person if he stops sleeping, here is the answer

What will happen to a person if he stops sleeping, here is the answer

Sleep is most important for all living beings on earth. It is necessary for a human to sleep for about 6 to 7 hours a day. But have you ever thought what will happen to a person if he does not sleep for many days and keeps his eyes open. Today we will tell you what can happen to a person if he stays awake for a long time. Human Medical science says many things about the human body. Similarly, in medical science, human sleep is considered most important. Every…

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What will happen if someone puts Feviquick in the eyes know how dangerous it is

What will happen if someone puts Feviquick in the eyes know how dangerous it is

Most people use Feviquick. We all know that it is used to stick anything. Feviquick is a chemical substance that sticks two things together very strongly. But have you ever thought what will happen if a person accidentally or intentionally puts Feviquick in someone’s eyes? Today we will tell you how dangerous this chemical is. Feviquick We often use Feviquick to stick two broken things together. The chemical in Feviquick is so dangerous that it can stick anything together very easily. You must have seen that many times Feviquick gets…

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Sometimes why body parts are not in their place Know that case what is the harm caused by this

Sometimes why body parts are not in their place Know that case what is the harm caused by this

All people’s body parts are usually in a fixed order and position. Like all the eyes, nose, ears, heart, kidneys are all in one place. But sometimes such cases also come up when the body parts of a person are in other places. Do you know what problem is caused when the body parts of a person are in another place? Today we will tell you what kind of problem is caused when the body parts are in another place. body parts A human being can never see inside himself…

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