Follow these measures to increase the immunity of newborns read full article in hindi

Follow these measures to increase the immunity of newborns read full article in hindi

The body of a newborn baby is very delicate from inside and its immune system is not fully developed. This is the reason why they easily become victims of infections and diseases. To keep a newborn baby healthy, it is very important to strengthen his immunity. When the immunity is strong, the child is not only protected from seasonal diseases, but his physical and mental development also improves. Strengthen the immunity of new born baby in this way Especially during the changing seasons and winter, special precautions need to be…

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5 essential foods rich in Ascorbic Acid to strengthen your immunity and keep seasonal illnesses read full article in Hindi

5 essential foods rich in Ascorbic Acid to strengthen your immunity and keep seasonal illnesses read full article in Hindi

Ascorbic acid is a very important nutrient. It is commonly called Vitamin C. It helps in improving digestion i.e. stomach and overall health. But it is best known as an immunity booster. If there is a deficiency of it in a person’s body then the risk of cold, cough, flu and viral fever increases. If you want to avoid these problems then you can eat food items rich in ascorbic acid. If there is a deficiency of this acid in a person’s body, he will have to face frequent colds.…

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Learn the easiest ways to increase immunity, diseases will remain far away.

Learn the easiest ways to increase immunity, diseases will remain far away.

In today’s era, where diseases and infections surround us, it has become extremely important to have a strong immune system. A good immunity not only protects us from various diseases but also keeps us healthy and energetic. But, often we think that increasing immunity is a complex process that requires a lot of time and effort. However, the truth is that by adopting some simple and easy measures, we can improve our immunity to a great extent.  Today we will learn about those easiest methods which keep us away from…

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Incredible Health Benefits Of Mishri Nobody Told You

Incredible Health Benefits Of Mishri Nobody Told You

Most Indians like to eat sugar candy with fennel. After eating food in restaurants, sugar candy along with fennel is often given. Have you ever wondered why this is done? We tell you the reason behind this. Sugar candy plays an important role in Indian food and worship. The taste of sugar candy is quite different from that of sugar. Also, whatever problem occurs in the body, sugar candy easily cures it. According to Ayurveda, there are many benefits of eating sugar candy. Beneficial in cough and cold Mishri is…

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Know Amazing Health Benefits Of White Jamun

Know Amazing Health Benefits Of White Jamun

White Jamun Benefits: Black berries start selling in the market as soon as the summer season arrives. We are all aware of its benefits and taste, but do you know that it also has a brother. Which we know by the name of white berries. Many people are not aware of this fruit, but believe me, these white berries are very beneficial. People also know it by different names. Like Wax Apple, Java Apple, Rose Apple, etc… This fruit found in summer is very beneficial for our body and skin.…

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Know Amazing Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Flower

Know Amazing Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Flower

Pumpkin Flower Benefits: Pumpkin is a superfood which has many benefits. But do you know that along with pumpkin its yellow and beautiful flowers are also a mine of qualities. This flower is used for food. Talking about the nutrients of this flower, pumpkin flowers contain calcium, phosphorus, Vitamins, minerals are found in sufficient quantity. And in this way this flower helps us to fight against many diseases. So let’s know in detail how much eating pumpkin flowers can benefit our health. benefits of eating pumpkin flowers 1.Vitamin C is…

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Papaya Orange Smoothie Is Beneficial For Health Know How To Prepare

Papaya Orange Smoothie Is Beneficial For Health Know How To Prepare

Papaya Orange Smoothie: Special care has to be taken of health in the summer season. Energy becomes low due to heat and sunlight. The body gets dehydrated. Because of this, the problem of dizziness and weakness starts. In such a situation, if you want to maintain the energy of the body throughout the day, then you can drink orange papaya smoothie during the summer season. This is a great option for giving energy. Orange rich in vitamin C and antioxidants helps in keeping you healthy. Apart from this, nutrients like…

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Benefits Of Drinking Green Juice In Summer

Benefits Of Drinking Green Juice In Summer

Green Juice Health Benefits: The summer heat is continuing since the month of March and these days the problem of heatwave has increased a lot. The Meteorological Department has also issued an alert regarding the heatwave. Now one thing is clear from this that health has to be taken care of in this season. Along with keeping yourself hydrated, you will also have to consume some such things which are full of nutrients. In such a situation, you can drink green juice in summer. It is full of nutrients. All…

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Amazing Benefits Of Fermented Food You Must Know

Amazing Benefits Of Fermented Food You Must Know

Fermented Food Benefits: If you want to be completely healthy, then it is very important to keep the stomach healthy. Because it is said that the mother of all diseases is the stomach. To keep the stomach healthy, consumption of probiotics and fermented food is considered very beneficial. Including it in the diet helps in keeping the stomach and intestines healthy and your body gets its full benefits. It also reduces the risk of many diseases. Let us know what is fermented food and what benefits can be obtained from…

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Guvava Have A Number Of Health Benefits Check All Here Help In Boosting Immunity Cures Cancer Maintain Body Weight

Guvava Have A Number Of Health Benefits Check All Here Help In Boosting Immunity Cures Cancer Maintain Body Weight

Guava Benefits: Keeping yourself fit in this busy life is no less than a challenge. If the weather is winter then the difficulty increases further. On the one hand, the mind has to be engaged in work, on the other hand, the body has to be protected from the cold. In such a situation, it is necessary that enough energy remains in the body in winter. The immunity of the body becomes weak in cold due to which the risk of viral infection increases. You can eat guava to get…

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