Vadoma Tribe: This tribe has only 2 toes, their feet look like those of an ostrich.

Vadoma Tribe: This tribe has only 2 toes, their feet look like those of an ostrich.

With the origin of humans, their body has gone through many changes. Today man has two eyes, two ears, one nose and five fingers each. But do you know that there is a tribe which has only two toes. Today we will tell you where this tribe lives.  Only 2 toes on feet Let us tell you that this tribe present in Africa has only 2 toes. I have only two fingers. Their legs are like those of an ostrich. For this reason, the people of this tribe believe that…

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This creature is born male, but with increasing age it becomes female.

This creature is born male, but with increasing age it becomes female.

There are many such creatures in the world, which are known for their strangeness. Some creatures are also known for their colour, shape, sound and other special things. But today we are going to tell you about a creature which is born male. But gradually with increasing age it becomes female. Now you too must be wondering which such creature is this? Let us know where this strange creature is found.  What is the name of this creature?  The name of this creature is Ribbon Eel. . The ribbon eel…

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